ID:               33184
 User updated by:  brad_allgood at csgsystems dot com
 Reported By:      brad_allgood at csgsystems dot com
-Status:           Feedback
+Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         ODBC related
 Operating System: Windows XP
 PHP Version:      5.0.4
 New Comment:

I can not get the PECL extension to work.  When I load it via the
php.ini setting:


I get the following errors when I try invoke the script via the command

 php.exe - Entry Point Not Found
 The procedure entry point [EMAIL PROTECTED] could not be located in the
dynamic link library DB2CLI.dll

 PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
'c:\php\ext\php_ibm_db2.dll' - The specified procedure could not be

On the machine I am running the script from (client) the dblevel
command outputs:

DB21085I  Instance "DB2" uses DB2 code release "SQL07010" with level

"02020105" and informational tokens "DB2 v7.1.0.1", "n000727" and

On the machine that has the database I am querying the db2level command

DB21085I  Instance "db2inst1" uses DB2 code release "SQL07020" with
identifier "03010105" and informational tokens "DB2 v7.1.0.40",
"s010415" and 

So given all this am I to understand that the PECL db2 component is not
a viable option for me unless I upgrade to DB2 V8.1?

I am assuming that is the issue with the ibm_db2_php.dll starting up
due to dependencies in db2_cli.dll ... unless I've got something goofy
in my pathing to get to the db2_cli.dll.

The "echo %PATH%" command I am running the php command from is 

echo %PATH%

Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\BINN;C:\Program Files\ActiveState
Komodo 3.1
\;c:\php;C:\Program Files\SQLLIB\BIN;C:\Program

The db2cli.dll is located in c:\Program Files\SQLLIB\BIN which is in my

Back to the orignal submission:

It looked like in 16221 someone had a track on this in the 4.X branch
of code.  Did this not pan out or has that cause been ruled out as part
of the original odbc related bug submission I created?

Previous Comments:

[2005-05-31 00:01:09] [EMAIL PROTECTED]


1) Can you reproduce the error with the PECL ibm_db2 extension? You can
grab the php_ibm_db2.dll from, change odbc_* to
db2_* in your function calls (with the exception of odbc_connect() -- I
think you'll need to add USER=user;PASSWORD=password; to your connection
string and pass nulls for the second and third parameter), and
everything _should_ work. Note that this requires a minimum of DB2

2) What levels of DB2 are you running on your Windows box and AIX


[2005-05-30 20:24:07] brad_allgood at csgsystems dot com

Okay ... I'm inlcuding a script written and tested on my machine to
reproduce the error:

//################## Script Start ########################

     $b_date = '05/25/2005';
     $b_time = '09:00:00';
     $m_mach_sn = "075-21752";

     $connect_string = "Driver={IBM DB2 ODBC
     $conn = odbc_connect($connect_string, 'user', 'password');

     while ($counter <5000)
         $vpcfg_qry = "select distinct m_mach_sn, m_cluster_n,
m_card_num, m_lss_la, m_array_id, m_loop_id, m_grp_num, m_disk_num
                       from db2inst1.vpcfg
                       where m_mach_sn = '$m_mach_sn'
                       order by m_mach_sn, m_card_num, m_cluster_n,
m_loop_id, m_grp_num
         // Get Result
         $vpcfg_result = odbc_exec($conn,$vpcfg_qry);
         // Get Data From Result
         $vpcfg_row_count = 0;
         while ($vpcfg_row[] = odbc_fetch_array($vpcfg_result))
             $m_mach_sn = $vpcfg_row[$vpcfg_row_count]["M_MACH_SN"];
             $m_cluster_n =
             $m_card_num = $vpcfg_row[$vpcfg_row_count]["M_CARD_NUM"];
             $m_lss_la = $vpcfg_row[$vpcfg_row_count]["M_LSS_LA"];
             $m_array_id = $vpcfg_row[$vpcfg_row_count]["M_ARRAY_ID"];
             $m_loop_id = $vpcfg_row[$vpcfg_row_count]["M_LOOP_ID"];
             $m_grp_num = $vpcfg_row[$vpcfg_row_count]["M_GRP_NUM"];
             $m_disk_num = $vpcfg_row[$vpcfg_row_count]["M_DISK_NUM"];
         print "Counter = $counter\n";
         $counter = $counter + 1;
//################## Script End   ########################


[2005-05-30 19:48:52] denials at gmail dot com

What is the expected result of the test script?

In reading the script (and ignoring the extra close brace in line 4
that would cause a syntax error), I would expect the loop to start
issuing errors after the first iteration, as odbc_close_all() should
close the connection if no transactions are in progress.

Given the subject of the bug, I'm assuming you're seeing an SQL0954C
instead, which would indicate that odbc_close_all() is not, in fact,
doing its job. However, I have been unable to reproduce this result on
Windows XP, Apache 2.0.52, PHP 5.0.4, DB2 Version 8.2 connecting
locally or to a remote DB2 server on a Linux box. The APPLHEAPSZ
setting on the Windows server is the default of 256 4K pages.


[2005-05-30 16:08:11] brad_allgood at csgsystems dot com

I do not think this is a db related issue as I can run the same query
from the command line on the server running the db and it works fine.

I cut and pasted the original bug report as I thought this may have
been overlooked in the php5 development cycle. 

I am running the php script on a windows xp machine using odbc calls
against a remote db2 machine using an explict connection string call.

$connect_string = "Driver={IBM DB2 ODBC


[2005-05-30 15:29:25] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SQL0954C        Not enough storage is available in the application heap to
process the statement.

Explanation: All available memory for the application has been used.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Terminate the application on receipt of this message.
Increase the database configuration parameter (applheapsz) to allow a
larger application heap. 


The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at

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