ID:               24485
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      gomez at efrei dot fr
-Status:           Assigned
+Status:           Feedback
 Bug Type:         Scripting Engine problem
 Operating System: *
 PHP Version:      5CVS, 4CVS (2005-06-07)
 Assigned To:      derick
 New Comment:

Please try using this CVS snapshot:
For Windows:

Previous Comments:

[2005-03-24 21:48:33] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

For Derick, see also bug #32261 (same issue?)


[2005-02-03 23:18:38] ericvanblokland at gmail dot com

Where do you live? If it's anywhere near here I'll buy you a beer (or

I'm working on a huge project, with extremely large and complex object
constructions, and I have been fighting against segmentation faults for
weeks now which is a mayor setback as the deadline is comming closer.
I'm still trying to narrow down the cause of these problems but it
seems that some construction of circular references (That might exist
as a result of this bug) causes memory leaks and crashes php on simple
variable assignments. To make me more desperate, after installing the
latest rpm in debug-mode memory leaks were reported once and never
after and de segmentation faults disappeared. Using that same rpm
without debug mode resulted in the same segaults.

I've posted this before but that
bug-report got broken and I've been investigating the cause more before
reposting. (I reproduced my problem there with the latest CVS of that

However, as this bug might be causing the exceptional conditions that
causes my segfaults (Copying, a complex, reference-rich object to
another location in a session, resulting in another reference), I will
wait looking into that any further for now. I can only pray it fixes

Sorry for the long story, but as it might be related I feld the need to
post it here.

Once more, thanks a lot!


[2005-02-03 21:59:04] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This should NOT be a problem in PHP - but it is one in PHP 4. I've seen
this too and have a patch almost ready that backports the fixes done in
PHP 5.


[2005-02-03 21:16:08] ericvanblokland at gmail dot com

Ain't it time to think about a fix? (Reproduced with 4.3.10 on fedora
core 2 in debug-mode) 

The references created due to this bug, might be the cause my script
keeps segfaulting.

About this I've posted a report before, and will post another in the
near future. So I won't mention anything about that hear just yet.


[2005-01-21 00:19:11] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Still exists in 4.3, but has been already fixed in both 5.x branches.


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