ID:               33772
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      msipria at suomi24 dot fi
 Status:           Critical
 Bug Type:         Class/Object related
 Operating System: *
 PHP Version:      5CVS-2005-07-19
 New Comment:

This patch fixes this problem by doing php_session_flush() before any
__destruct()'s are called:

Note: It won't work if you have compiled ext/session as shared. We need
a better solution, I'm submitting this just  as as temporary one.

Previous Comments:

[2005-08-09 14:01:49] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is chicken/egg problem and it cannot be solved. One expect that
destructors are called before session close the other uses object for
save handlers.


[2005-07-21 16:38:11] msipria at suomi24 dot fi

my class isn't extension of mysqli class, it just use it as object, and
with real class i have tryed session_write_close() function but mysql
connection is deat, i don't wanna restor it, i just wanna that it will
be alive at the end like now.


[2005-07-21 00:10:05] toma at smartsemantics dot com

Adding session_write_close() to the __destruct() function will restore
the write, close, and destroy functions to their proper order.

I use a custom session handler that extends my custom mysqli class.  It
automatically checks for lost database connections and attempts
reconnects, etc.

This is still a bug, but the following makes your custom session
handler viable.

public function __destruct(){

Without session_write_close:
starting session
connecting to database
destroying session
writing session
can't write, database connection does not exist
connecting to database
writing session
closing session

With session_write_close:
starting session
connecting to database
writing session
closing session
destroying session


[2005-07-19 21:20:45] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I need this fixed too, it's not possible to use e.g. mysqli as save
handler otherwise..


[2005-07-19 16:47:51] msipria at suomi24 dot fi

I have session handling class and i have db class that i pass to the
session handling class.

As of PHP 5.1.0b1 order of going throu __destructers have been changed,
so at end eaven DB class exsist its __destucter has been runned.

removing __destruct from DB class will not help, coz mysql link has own
__destruct function that it will run.

i realy hope this is bug (that can fix) and it will be fixed, other
whay i'm stuck with 5.0.x or have to re write lots of source code.

Reproduce code:

Expected result:
In PHP 5.0.x (working)

__construct = LINK
open = LINK
read = LINK
write = LINK
close = LINK
__destruct = KILLED LINK

Actual result:
In PHP 5.1.0b3 (tested b1-b3) (not working)

__construct = LINK
open = LINK
read = LINK
__destruct = KILLED LINK


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