ID:               26771
 Comment by:       fredrik at demomusic dot nu
 Reported By:      info at tphnet dot com
 Status:           Verified
 Bug Type:         Apache2 related
 Operating System: * (ZTS only!)
 PHP Version:      5CVS, 4CVS (2005-06-17)
 New Comment:

Final comments from

 ------- Additional Comment #2 From Fredrik Wollsén 2005-08-10 14:56 
[reply] -------

Correct me from wrong, but is not Apache 1.3 NOT a MPM? At least it
isn't threaded, is this not required by the definition of MPM?

Not too into the subject of MPM's. 


------- Additional Comment #4 From Will Rowe 2005-08-10 16:03 [reply]

FYI, we forgive your confusion;

  "Application error Apache.exe at address x00000000"

might look like Apache, but notice the address.  Yes; it's php itself
jumping into nowhere. PHP has platform bugs just like Apache, please
don't blame us because there is a Windows-specific bug, any more than
you would waste Microsoft's time with this.

------- Additional Comment #5 From Fredrik Wollsén 2005-08-10 19:51
[reply] -------

That explains it well enough for me to aim this bug-report wholly to
the php-side. Thank you!

Previous Comments:

[2005-08-10 14:46:57] fredrik at demomusic dot nu

It is no longer an Apache-bug:

Comment From jorton at redhat dot com  2005-08-10 14:19

It's a PHP thread-safety issue, it's not Windows-specific, it breaks on
Unixes with threaded MPMs too.


[2005-08-10 14:10:20] fredrik at demomusic dot nu

I also reported this to Apache (as it most likely is a bug in the
phpXapacheX.dll binaries that are bundled with Apache): This can also
be voted upon:,
in order to get the Apache-delevopers attention.


[2005-08-10 13:24:23] fredrik at demomusic dot nu

Some last information:

solace at ezmail dot ru ( has made
an excellent php-profiler class, available on 

I have rewritten that profiler to side-kick as a debug-logger, an
invaluable tool that I use a lot in my dev work. As soon as I am
finished, it will be available for everyone, as solace's stuff is GPL.

Both uses ticks. My point here is that the use of ticks on Windows is
of great value, and therefore this matter should not preferably only
lead to a change in the documentation (as some have suggested), but to
the state where ticks work when running php as a module under apache! 

solace's makes an important comment in his own bugreport on this matter
(marked as bogus for some reason): 
""How to generate a backtrace" page is for *nix platforms, but this
appears ONLY on Windows. All I have is event in system log
error Apache.exe at address x00000000". Even Apache doesn't report it
error.log or access.log, like bug script wasn't accessed at all
1.3.27). But Windows wants to send report to Microsoft twice.
And I'm not alone with this bug..."

Also, this bug-report's name should preferable be "Ticks crashed Apache
when running php as a module". More accurate, I believe.

That's all for now...


[2005-08-10 13:03:38] fredrik at demomusic dot nu

Unless Zend is automatically disabled when running as cgi? I couldn't
find any Zend-configurations in httpd.conf, and so I presumed that this
was not the case. 

If I am mistaken, and this is solely a Zend-problem, please inform me
and I will be posting a bug report to the Zend-team. 

Thank you!


[2005-08-10 13:01:39] fredrik at demomusic dot nu

What is with the "* (ZTS only!)"? Does it stand for Zend Thread

I am not familiar with ZTS, but shouldn't this be marked as an
Windows-issue? It certainly should, is my opinion.

As it works nicely when running PHP as CGI, same compile-options, same
php.ini, I don't see how this could be a Zend Engine-problem...

It is clearly a Windows Apache+PHP as module combination problem.
Please update this report.


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