ID:               25876
 Comment by:       frank dot altpeter at gmail dot com
 Reported By:      golden at riscom dot com
 Status:           No Feedback
 Bug Type:         Session related
 Operating System: freebsd 4.8
 PHP Version:      4.3.9-4.3.10
 Assigned To:      sniper
 New Comment:

I experience the same (sporadic) errors on my FreeBSD 4.11-RELEASE-p11
using php4-4.4.0 and apache-1.3.33.

The mentioned workaround (putting ini_set in an auto_prepend_file) is
now in place and to be tested.

Additionally, i would be glad if the PHP crew would do something about
this - it's really a shame to see that this bug still happens with

Previous Comments:

[2005-06-27 10:37:51] ftownes at w3-hosting dot net

On our ES 3 machines, we worked around this bug by pre-pending and
appending the following code to all scripts executed (via the php.ini)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# cat /tmp/auto_append_file.php 
if (ini_get("session.save_handler") == "user") {

Since the error is never exhibited on a freshly spawned instance of
apache, reducing the number of requests handled by apache (in Worker
MPM mode) made sure that new children were spawned before old age
increased probability of the bug; this seemed to be vital to make a 99%
effective solution.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# httpd -l
Compiled in modules:

On our machine we also noticed that after testing this for workaround
for 3 weeks we haven't used any swap on the machine as opposed to
~100MB previously, another desireable side effect.


[2005-06-18 11:03:03] guillaume at ironie dot org

I had the same problem, with the same error message, mainly
on a dotclear "weblog" application, on the manage section.

I put the PHP code given in the prepend file :
  ini_set("session.save_handler", "files");

and the error automagically disappear, for good (I hope!)

The "save_handler" is just defined in php.ini with value
"files", and not redefined anywhere else. It's strange
that I have to define it again in the code.

Best regards, gu!llaume


[2005-06-13 15:14:16] maarten at students dot ch

PHP Version 4.3.10, Linux srv1-2 2.4.19 #2 SMP Tue Dec 3 15:16:08 CET
2002 i686, Apache

Same Problem over here. It came out of nowhere and sporadically


[2005-06-08 14:58:58] tech at c64-wiki dot de

I added the following line near the beginning of my PHP code:

ini_set("session.save_handler", "files");

I have not seen the bug again after that, so far (clicked around like
an idiot and everything worked fine). Which does not mean a lot, of
course, due to the extremely random nature of that bug.

Can anybody else confirm that this workaround works (or maybe not)? If
it does "solve" the problem, the root cause may seem to be that PHP
sometimes takes the wrong session handler (not the one which is defined
in PHP.INI, which is "files" as well (while the error message seems to
indicate "user"?)).

Best regards, Klaus


[2005-06-08 14:18:42] tech at c64-wiki dot de

Same problem here as described by "gul_murjani at yahoo dot com". PHP
4.3.10 is the version in use (phpinfo() can be seen at I tried to change  session.save_path
to a different path (by adding a php_value line into .htaccess), made
the new directory world-writeable and verified that the session files
do indeed appear there. They do appear there, and there's plenty of
space for that directoty available (about 1GB, should be 'nuff for a
few of these session files with <100 bytes each). And the bug still
appears at extremely random intervals!

Best regards, Klaus


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