ID:               34344
 User updated by:  thomas at ecommerce dot com
 Reported By:      thomas at ecommerce dot com
-Status:           Feedback
+Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         SPL related
 Operating System: SuSE Linux
 PHP Version:      5.0.4
 New Comment:

Script start! Init Class.
Class init call!
Registrering shutdown function..
Class inited!

Warning: (Registered shutdown functions) Unable to call
TestClass::_log() - function does not exist in Unknown on line 0
This is the output with the latest CVS Snap. The problem still exists
and the Error Message is wrong ( function does not exist, but exists )

Previous Comments:

[2005-09-02 16:15:12] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:
For Windows:


[2005-09-02 12:54:14] thomas at ecommerce dot com

Script start! Init Class.
Class init call!
Registrering shutdown function..
Class inited!

Fatal error: Call to private method TestClass::_log() from context ''
in Unknown on line 0
is the current result


[2005-09-02 12:53:19] thomas at ecommerce dot com

Updated Expected result part


[2005-09-02 12:48:51] thomas at ecommerce dot com

When trying to call the register_shutdown_function() inside class like

register_shutdown_function(array(&$this, "_log"));

and the method _log() is a private method it don't work. We assign
$this here to the function so 
register_shutdown_function() should be allowed to call a private
function inside of the class or at least throw allready here an error
message when this function is called and _log() is a private function.
Its also not documented that this wouldn't work....

Reproduce code:
final class TestClass
        public function TestClass()
                echo "Class init call!\n";

        private function _init()
                echo "Registrering shutdown function..\n";

                //-- register log function
                register_shutdown_function(array(&$this, "_log"));

                echo "done\n";

        private function _log()
                        //-- send mail
                mail("[EMAIL PROTECTED]", "subject", "content");

echo "Script start! Init Class.\n";
$TestClass = new TestClass();
echo "Class inited!\n";

Expected result:
email will be send to [EMAIL PROTECTED] when script is done.

Actual result:
Script will not call the shutdown function


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