ID:               34863
 Comment by:       lm at bible dot ch
 Reported By:      backdream at gmail dot com
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         Strings related
 Operating System: Windows
 PHP Version:      4.3.11
 New Comment:

OS:  Windows XP
PHP: 5.0.3

Further investigation:
strip_tags does not handle tags correctly if '<' is occurring in an
attribute value as it does in the example in the
onload="if(screen.width*0.7<this(...)" attribute

strip_tags does provide for nested tags as shows the following example,
but doesn't ignore quoted < and > inside tags as the following two
examples show:

//example 1
$txt = 'text1<tag attr="<"> text2<tag attr=">"> text3';
$txt = strip_tags( $txt );
print $txt;
// prints 'text1 text3'
// should print 'text1 text2 text3' 

//example 2
$txt = 'text1<tag <nested tag>> text2';
$txt = strip_tags( $txt );
print $txt;
// prints 'text1 text2' as it should if strip_tags searches for nested

Two questions arise:
1. Is the detection of nested tags reasonable?
2. Is a HTML-tag malformed if it contains a quoted '<' or '>' sign?
3. If such a HTML-tag is malformed, shouldn't strip_tag() still work
correctly, since there is no ambiguity thanks to the quotes?

1. I cannot figure any real world example of nested tags other than
HTML-comments like <!--<br />-->
2. According to html-validator, it is valid.
3. Strip_tags should still work

No parsing of quotes:
The following example proves, that strip_tags does not parse quotes
inside '<' and '>' at all
//example 3
$txt = 'text1<tag attr="> text2 <tag attr="> text3';
$txt = strip_tags( $txt );
print $txt;
// prints: 'text1 text2 text3'
// should print: 'text1 text3' since there is one only tag with an
attribute 'attr="> text2 <tag attr="'

This IS a real bug, but not related to <img> tag, but to not parsing of
attributes and quotes inside tags.

It would be important to correct that bug

With best regards Lorenz Meyer

Previous Comments:

[2005-10-14 19:36:25] backdream at gmail dot com

I tested with 4.3.11, It also have the bug.


$txt = "Next:
target=\"_blank\">Designing for People Who Have Better Things To DoWith
Their Lives, Part Two</a> <br />¡¡¡¡<br
border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\"
{this.resized=true;this.width=screen.width*0.7;}\" /><br
/>¡¡¡¡<b>Adverment&#33;</b> Doyouneed to control a computer remotely,
even when firewalls get in theway?My company&#39;s latest product, <a
href=\"\"target=\"_blank\";>Fog Creek
Copilot</a>, is a remote control systemthatrequires no setup, no
configuration, and works even if both users arebehind firewalls.
It&#39;s designed to make remote tech support easy.<br />¡¡¡¡<br
/>¡¡¡¡Enter your email address to receive a (veryoccasional) email
whenever I write a major new article. You canunsubscribe at any time,
of course.<br />¡¡¡¡</div>";

$txt = strip_tags( $txt );
print $txt;


It print "Next: Designing for People Who Have Better Things To DoWith
Their Lives, Part Two ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡", but not the whole html tags striped


[2005-10-14 13:18:53] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Can't reproduce.
Both your scripts work fine with any PHP version I can find (4.3.11,
4.4, 5.0.x, 5.1).


[2005-10-14 03:31:24] backdream at gmail dot com

Sorry, the Reproduce code would be:

$txt = "Next: <a
" target=\"_blank\">Designing for People Who Have Better Things To Do
With Their Lives, Part Two</a> <br />¡¡¡¡<br />¡¡¡¡<img
png\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\" alt=\"Á´½ÓͼƬ\"
onload=\"if(screen.width*0.7<this.width) {this.resized=true;
this.width=screen.width*0.7;}\" /><br />¡¡¡¡<b>Adverment&#33;</b> Do
need to control a computer remotely, even when firewalls get in the
My company&#39;s latest product, <a href=\"\";
target=\"_blank\">Fog Creek Copilot</a>, is a remote control system
requires no setup, no configuration, and works even if both users are
behind firewalls. It&#39;s designed to make remote tech support easy.
<br />¡¡¡¡<br />¡¡¡¡Enter your email address to receive a (very
occasional) email whenever I write a major new article. You can
unsubscribe at any time, of course.<br />¡¡¡¡</div>";

$txt = strip_tags( $txt );
print $txt;



[2005-10-14 03:24:18] backdream at gmail dot com

strip_tags cannot work when string include <img tags

Reproduce code:

$txt = "Next: <a
target=\"_blank\">Designing for People Who Have Better Things To Do With
Their Lives, Part Two</a> <br />¡¡¡¡<br />¡¡¡¡<img
border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\" alt=\"Á´½ÓͼƬ\"
onload=\"if(screen.width*0.7<this.width) {this.resized=true;
this.width=screen.width*0.7;}\" /><br />¡¡¡¡<b>Adverment&#33;</b> Do
you need to control a computer remotely, even when firewalls get in the
way? My company&#39;s latest product, <a
href=\"\"; target=\"_blank\">Fog Creek
Copilot</a>, is a remote control system that requires no setup, no
configuration, and works even if both users are behind firewalls.
It&#39;s designed to make remote tech support easy. <br />¡¡¡¡<br
/>¡¡¡¡Enter your email address to receive a (very occasional) email
whenever I write a major new article. You can unsubscribe at any time,
of course.<br />¡¡¡¡</div>";
$txt = preg_replace( "#<img[^>]*>#i", "", $txt );
$txt = strip_tags( $txt );
print $txt;


Expected result:
strip all the html tags

Actual result:
break when run over <img tag.


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