ID:               33546
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      nickj-phpbugs at nickj dot org
-Status:           Wont fix
+Status:           Closed
 Bug Type:         Date/time related
 Operating System: Debian Woody GNU/Linux 3.0r6
 PHP Version:      5CVS-2005-07-02 (dev)
 Assigned To:      derick
 New Comment:

This bug has been fixed in CVS.

Snapshots of the sources are packaged every three hours; this change
will be in the next snapshot. You can grab the snapshot at
Thank you for the report, and for helping us make PHP better.

Previous Comments:

[2005-10-10 04:09:40] nickj-phpbugs at nickj dot org

Fair enough. I only noticed this in passing, and wondered about it, but
I understand your logic and I agree it's not worth making the code more
brittle for this case, when people can instead just remove the
day-of-the-week string to get the correct results.


[2005-10-07 23:46:09] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We can not easily ignore weekday names in strings at arbitrary places
in the way the current scanner works now. Changing it to allow for this
means more more rigid formats are supported only, losing a lot of
complexity in the code and less flexibility.


[2005-07-02 10:33:33] nickj-phpbugs at nickj dot org

Should strtotime() ignore the weekday for some inputs, rather than
treat it as a modifier?

Example code:

print "Should the weekday be treated as part of the time, rather than a
$input = "Friday July 1 2005 10:00:00 AM";
print "input: " . $input . "\n";
$tStamp = strtotime($input);
print "date : " . date ("l F j Y H:i:s A", $tStamp) . "\n\n";

print "Should the weekday be treated as part of the time, rather than a
$input = "10:00:00 AM Friday July 1 2005";
print "input: " . $input . "\n";
$tStamp = strtotime($input);
print "date : " . date ("H:i:s A l F j Y", $tStamp) . "\n";


Actual output:
G:\PHP bugs\php5-win32-200507020230>php.exe
Should the weekday be treated as part of the time, rather than a
input: Friday July 1 2005 10:00:00 AM
date : Friday July 8 2005 10:00:00 AM

Should the weekday be treated as part of the time, rather than a
input: 10:00:00 AM Friday July 1 2005
date : 00:00:00 AM Friday July 8 2005

G:\PHP bugs\php5-win32-200507020230>

What I thought the output would be:
G:\PHP bugs\php5-win32-200507020230>php.exe
Should the weekday be treated as part of the time, rather than a
input: Friday July 1 2005 10:00:00 AM
date : Friday July 1 2005 10:00:00 AM

Should the weekday be treated as part of the time, rather than a
input: 10:00:00 AM Friday July 1 2005
date : 10:00:00 AM Friday July 1 2005

G:\PHP bugs\php5-win32-200507020230>

Or, to put it another way: strtotime("Friday July 1 2005 10:00:00 AM")
gives the same results as strtotime("10:00:00 AM", strtotime("Friday",
strtotime("July 1 2005"))), when I would expect it to be equivalent to
strtotime("10:00:00 AM", strtotime("July 1 2005")).

Note: I'm not sure what I would expect to happen if the weekday was the
wrong day (e.g. "Monday July 1 2005 10:00:00 AM"). I think maybe the
least surprising thing would be if the weekday was always ignored for
these two formats (since it's redundant as it can be determined from
the date anyway), same as if the input had been "July 1 2005 10:00:00
AM". And if someone really did then want to use the "Monday" modifier,
they could just use strtotime("Monday", strtotime("July 1 2005 10:00:00
AM")) to achieve this.


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