ID:               35602
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      php at tomarq dot co dot uk
 Status:           Wont fix
 Bug Type:         Session related
 Operating System: all
 PHP Version:      4.4.1
 Assigned To:      sas
 New Comment:

The best solution in your case is to deploy a cron job that would run
periodically and remove all old sessions. 

Previous Comments:

[2005-12-08 18:17:55] php at tomarq dot co dot uk

It does not work fine - hence the bug submission.

It only works "fine" on servers with a high load where concurrent php
scripts effectively clear each other's expired sessions by the running
of their garbage collector.

When there aren't so many scripts running, and so garbage collection
doesn't occur as often, a script can be run... have it's session data
fetched... perform garbage collection ... and then lose any data that
is put into the session from that point on - which is a BUG.

Scripts suddenly losing their session data because of this bug is not
"working fine".


[2005-12-08 18:05:44] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Too late to change this. It works fine as it is.


[2005-12-08 17:29:39] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sascha, do you still maintain it?
Or it's time to mark ext/session as orphaned?


[2005-12-08 17:25:33] php at tomarq dot co dot uk

Within the session_start function, the session garbage collection is
performed after reading the session information.

This is the case across all versions of PHP that I have looked at

If the garbage collection is set to always run (100/100) and a session
has expired with no other script executions in the meantime, then
session_start will load the session data, and *then* expire the session
for the following script execution.

The garbage collection should delete the expired session file before
trying to load any sessions.

Note that this issue leads to the data we have in our session on run 2
being destroyed, even though the time till our next script execution is
only ~5 seconds (well under our gc_maxlifetime of 10 seconds).

Reproduce code:
    // run this code with with a gc_maxlifetime = 10
    // and gc_probability and gc_divisor of 100
    // also making sure that no other php scripts
    // are run while the test takes place.

    header("content-type: text/plain");


    echo "Current: ".date('l dS \of F Y h:i:s A')."\n";
    echo "Before : ".$_SESSION['ts']."\n";

    if (!isset($_SESSION['ts'])) $_SESSION['ts'] = date('l dS \of F Y
h:i:s A');

    echo "After  : ".$_SESSION['ts']."\n";

Expected result:
-- Run 1 --
Current: Thursday 08th of December 2005 04:09:58 PM
Before : 
After  : Thursday 08th of December 2005 04:09:58 PM

-- Run 2 -- (15 seconds later)
Current: Thursday 08th of December 2005 04:10:13 PM
Before : 
After  : Thursday 08th of December 2005 04:10:13 PM

-- Run 3 -- (5 seconds later)
Current: Thursday 08th of December 2005 04:10:18 PM
Before : Thursday 08th of December 2005 04:10:13 PM
After  : Thursday 08th of December 2005 04:10:13 PM

Actual result:
-- Run 1 --
Current: Thursday 08th of December 2005 04:09:58 PM
Before : 
After  : Thursday 08th of December 2005 04:09:58 PM

-- Run 2 -- (15 seconds later)
Current: Thursday 08th of December 2005 04:10:13 PM
Before : Thursday 08th of December 2005 04:09:58 PM
After  : Thursday 08th of December 2005 04:09:58 PM

-- Run 3 -- (5 seconds later)
Current: Thursday 08th of December 2005 04:10:18 PM
Before : 
After  : Thursday 08th of December 2005 04:10:18 PM


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