ID:               35978
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Status:           Feedback
 Bug Type:         Reproducible crash
 Operating System: irrelevant
 PHP Version:      6CVS-2006-01-12 (CVS)
 Assigned To:      helly
 New Comment:

To reproduce this you need to write a PHP extension, because the
problem is in our spprintf/snprintf functions. You could try something

spprintf("blah%n", &x);

It should crash, because when %n is parsed it will write 4 to x and
then try to output what currently is within s and has the length s_len.
Because s_len is not initialised it will try to output a "random" number
of bytes stored at NULL. When %n is found it has to overjump the whole
output process.

You don't need a backtrace: it will crash in

static void xbuf_format_converter(smart_str *xbuf, const char *fmt,
va_list ap)

when it tries todo 

                         * Print the string s.
                        INS_STRING(xbuf, s, s_len);

at the end of the function. Because s and s_len are not properly
initialised. %n should atleast set s_len to 0 if not overjump the
output step completely.

Previous Comments:

[2006-01-12 14:22:50] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Reproduce case and gdb backtrace are highly welcome.


[2006-01-12 14:12:32] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

%n is wrongly implemented in our low level printf functions.

When %n is used, it does not only write the char counter but also
agains outputs whatever is in the current string buffer. => crash when
%n is used first.


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