ID:               36245
 User updated by:  hans at lintoo dot dk
 Reported By:      hans at lintoo dot dk
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         SOAP related
 Operating System: FreeBSD 5.4
 PHP Version:      5.1.2
 New Comment:

switch: Expected result & Actual result... sorry!

Previous Comments:

[2006-02-01 13:02:32] hans at lintoo dot dk

Please excuse me if this problem is related to my code, i tried all
combinations of coding methods I could think of, but still it did not
return the code I was expecting.

I get the following exception:
SoapFault exception: [soap:Client] Incorrect format for named street
text line
which i believe is due to incorrect coding of the complex types.

You can find the WSDL at:

Reproduce code:
header('Content-type: text/xml');
$client = new
SoapClient('',     array(
        'soap_version'  => SOAP_1_1,
        "trace" => 1,
        "exceptions" => 1
class FindAddressAccessRequest {
        public $NamedStreetTextInput;
        public $StreetBuildingIdentifier;
        public $MunicipalitySearch;
        public $DistrictSearch;
        public $DistrictSubdivisionSearch;
$FindAddressAccessRequest = new FindAddressAccessRequest();
$FindAddressAccessRequest->NamedStreetTextInput = "Hjallesevej";
$FindAddressAccessRequest->StreetBuildingIdentifier = "34";

$findAddressParam = array('NamedStreetTextInput' => "Hjallesevej",
'StreetBuildingIdentifier' => '34');



Expected result:

Actual result:


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