ID: 34972 User updated by: VJTD3 at VJTD3 dot com Reported By: VJTD3 at VJTD3 dot com Status: Assigned Bug Type: Streams related Operating System: * -PHP Version: 5CVS-2005-11-09 (snap) +PHP Version: php6.0-200602191730, php5.1-200603270630, php4-STABLE-200603270430 (also in *nix equaliviants) Assigned To: wez New Comment:
bug #36030 is very similar to my bug, they might be related. It looks like anything to STDIN (reguardless of access method like php://stdin and constant('STDIN') and STDIN are all effected.) When doing anything, be it select, timeout, or anything to "monitor" the resource where a window is set (ie to timeout the blocking, set nonblocking, or similar.) the input "stalls" (it's not really a stall, it's just waiting for the input.) or fails (such as timeout setting that fails and returns false.) Tested on: php4-STABLE-200603270430 php5.1-200603270630 php6.0-200602191730 Also tested as well on their *nix snaps version and all with the same result. (blocking when they should not be blocking.) Better code to make debugging easier and includes examples from suggestions that don't work: <?php set_time_limit('0'); # note for php4 or lower STDIN isn't a defined "constant". if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.0.0', '<')) { define('STDIN', fopen('php://stdin', 'r')); } echo 'notice how the data loads unblocked reguardless if there is data.'."\n"; $demo1 = @fsockopen('', 80, $errno, $errstr, 60); stream_set_blocking($demo1, FALSE); fwrite($demo1, 'GET /'."\n\n"); for ($i=1;$i<11;$i++) { $data1 = @fread($demo1, 1500); $data1 = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $data1); $data1 = str_replace("\n\r", "\n", $data1); $data1 = str_replace("\r", "\n", $data1); $data1 = str_replace("\n", '', $data1); echo 'pass: '.$i.' -> data: '.(strlen($data1) ? $data1 : 'empty')."\n"; sleep('1'); } echo 'notice how the data loads unblocked and clearly there is no data because this IP is invalid to connect to.'."\n"; $demo2 = @fsockopen('', 80, $errno, $errstr, 1); stream_set_blocking($demo2, FALSE); for ($i=1;$i<11;$i++) { # this is expected to be a invalid resource. $data2 = @fread($demo2, 1500); $data2 = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $data2); $data2 = str_replace("\n\r", "\n", $data2); $data2 = str_replace("\r", "\n", $data2); $data2 = str_replace("\n", '', $data2); echo 'pass: '.$i.' -> data: '.(strlen($data2) ? $data2 : 'empty')."\n"; sleep('1'); } echo 'a person said to use select, this shows select won\'t work. (and shouldn\'t it\'s not a socket.) It won\'t even allow input during select calls.'."\n"; for ($i=1;$i<11;$i++) { unset($read); $read[] = STDIN; socket_select($read, $write = null, $except = null, $tv = 0); print_r($read); sleep('1'); } echo 'same code as yahoo and with fread and blocked reguardless of setting this to nonblocking.'."\n"; stream_set_blocking(STDIN, FALSE); for ($i=1;$i<11;$i++) { echo 'Watch me stall till you type enter I\'m blocking you!'."\n"; $data3 = fread(STDIN, 10); $data3 = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $data3); $data3 = str_replace("\n\r", "\n", $data3); $data3 = str_replace("\r", "\n", $data3); $data3 = str_replace("\n", '', $data3); echo 'pass: '.$i.' -> data: '.(strlen($data3) ? $data3 : 'empty')."\n"; sleep('1'); } ?> anything I can do to help with details/make the bug easier to fix? Previous Comments: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2005-11-09 20:58:26] [EMAIL PROTECTED] Assigned to the streams maintainer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2005-10-25 04:23:31] VJTD3 at VJTD3 dot com <?php # Make life easier to test bothe versions # option: # 1: Yahoo HTTP example # 2: STDIN example. $test = 1; # note for php4 or lower: # STDIN isn't a defined "constant" so uncomment this. #define('STDIN', fopen('php://stdin', 'r')); # ment to paste fread was playing with other methods and # just pasted the wrong version. The result is the same. # notice how after the data is done it's still going and # not blocked. if($test == '1') { $demo = fsockopen('', 80); stream_set_blocking($demo, FALSE); fwrite($demo, 'GET /'."\n\n"); while (1) { $data = fread($demo, 1500); echo (strlen($data) ? 'read:'.$data : "\nread:".'empty'."\n"); sleep(1); } } # same code with fread and blocked reguardless of setting # to nonblocked. if($test == '2') { echo 'Watch me stall till you type enter I\'m blocking you!'."\n"; stream_set_blocking(STDIN, FALSE); while (1) { $data = fread(STDIN, 10); # I do know I could use trim, but if blocking was # working it will act weird if it's mid of a end of # line. $data = str_replace("\n", '', $data); $data = str_replace("\r", '', $data); echo (strlen($data) ? 'read:'.$data : "\nread:".'empty'."\n"); sleep(1); } } # stream_select() can't be used, when i try the file # descriptor just gets locks and all future selects won't # work. and there is no reason to even select i know what # resource to monitor i just need blocking to stop so i # can monitor and process as i need just liek in the # yahoo http example. ?> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2005-10-25 01:26:58] [EMAIL PROTECTED] FYI, using fgets() with a non-blocking resource makes no sense. To implement what you're after, use stream_select() and fread(); these work on stdin just fine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2005-10-24 23:07:00] VJTD3 at VJTD3 dot com Description: ------------ STDIN won't allow nonblocking. Reproduce code: --------------- <?php stream_set_blocking(STDIN, FALSE); while (1) { echo 'infinate loop showing nonblocking problem'."\n"; echo 'said:'.fgets(STDIN, 1024); } ?> Expected result: ---------------- The test code should be a infinate loop with "infinate loop showing nonblocking problem" said trillions of times fast like a infinate loop is suposto do when you make a boo boo. instead it will say it once then wait for input then wait again etc as a blocked resource is expected. but "stream_set_blocking(STDIN, FALSE);" should be allowing it to do the loop unblocked resulting in major screen flooding yet unblocking the resource is ignored. This means you can't do something like a client program in your shell that is "interactive" like a Telnet client or similar. I can dig the whole not reading as typing because that would be too "raw" for common usage... [ie phrasing the backspaces etc though maybe a seperate abaility? this would allow arrow key kinda stuff and similar...] But waiting for a "\n" or whatever file ending shouldn't have any effect on that loop. It should act just like a TCP or any other connection when unblocked there the resource just has a return of no data. "php -f test.php" I use to run it. Actual result: -------------- uses blocking when "stream_set_blocking(STDIN, FALSE);" was used. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Edit this bug report at