ID:               33151
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      mikko dot rantalainen at peda dot net
-Status:           Bogus
+Status:           Assigned
 Bug Type:         PCRE related
 Operating System: Linux
 PHP Version:      5.0.4
-Assigned To:      
+Assigned To:      andrei

Previous Comments:

[2005-05-26 19:39:44] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please do not submit the same bug more than once. An existing
bug report already describes this very problem. Even if you feel
that your issue is somewhat different, the resolution is likely
to be the same. 

Thank you for your interest in PHP.

Repeating will not make us fix any bugs any faster, quite the contrary.


[2005-05-26 14:17:39] mikko dot rantalainen at peda dot net

PHP already has a number of bugs reported
because of PCRE related crashes that are result of PCRE using heavy
recursion with some patterns. Making always sure that both pattern and
input string are always safe when using functions implemented with PCRE
is really hard from PHP code because the most often hit limit is too
small stack and PCRE is really the only part of the code that has
knowledge to compute the stack usage.

PHP already has it's own copy of PCRE and I'm requesting that that copy
is modified so that PCRE is aware of stack usage and returns an error if
computing the result would result in stack overflow and possible
segmentation fault.

If that is considered to be too much of work, PHP should at least put a
hard limit on recursion as described in PCRE documentation:
...a limit can be placed on the resources  used  by  a single  call  to
 pcre_exec(). The limit can be changed at run time, as described in the
pcreapi documentation..."

Another way to workaround this problem is described by jorton at in bug #28461:
"One way PHP could mitigate the issue is to to set the match_limit
field in the pcre_extra structure which puts a limit on the depth of
the stack recursion." (I'm not sure if this is the actual
implementation of above note?)

Rationale: preg_* functions are often used for input validation just
like in Perl. However, it cannot be safely used for that purpose
because of all these bugs that result in stack overflows and/or
segmentation faults. Increasing stack size cannot be as a workaround
because stack usage seems to be exponential. (Resulting segmentation
faults inside an Apache module are real pain in the ass to debug,

Reproduce code:
preg_match('/(ab?)+/', str_repeat('a', 100000));

Expected result:
preg_match() should return true because the test string passes the test
that it's composed of a's possibly followed by b's.

Actual result:
Crash. Isn't limited to PHP 5.x. I wouldn't expect 100KB of text to be
too much because I've set my stack to 8192KB (more than 80x the size of
the string to search) but I still get segmentation fault. Increase the
counter "100000" to reproduce the crash if you have huge stack.


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