ID:               37209
 User updated by:  netvbonline at yahoo dot co dot uk
 Reported By:      netvbonline at yahoo dot co dot uk
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         MSSQL related
 Operating System: Win XP Pro
 PHP Version:      5.1.2
 New Comment:


"The mssql_execute method SHOULD NOT fail on execution (but in anycase
should still have populated output parameters)."

Previous Comments:

[2006-04-26 14:32:23] netvbonline at yahoo dot co dot uk

Using the extension php_mssql.dll and mssql_execute method to execute a
stored procedure within SQL Server 2000.

Basically, if the stored procedure generates a non-fatal message, for
example trying to insert a duplicate value into a table before doing a
big seek then output parameters are still available to Query analyser.

However when using the mssql_execute method, the execution fails.. even
though stored procedure is returning a successful execution value of 0.

Its possible to have a stored procedure with 10 statements, and 5
legitamately may fail with a non fatal message, which is handled
internally by the stored procedure.

The mssql_execute method should fail on execution (any in anycase
should still have populated output parameters).


Reproduce code:
$hStmt = mssql_init("usp_fetch_or_insert_forename", $hCon);
mssql_bind($hStmt, "@Forename", $name, SQLVARCHAR);

// Output
mssql_bind($hStmt, "@ForenameID", $ForenameID, SQLINT4, TRUE);


if (!$result) {
} else {
 echo "NO ERROR";

if ($ForenameID==0) {
 // error must have occurred
 echo "There was an error trying to get forename pk and forenameid is

} else {

 echo "everything is fine and forenameid is ".$ForenameID;

Expected result:
$ForenameID=Value Returned From Stored Procedure

Actual result:


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