ID:               37306
 Comment by:       subscription at nazarenko dot net
 Reported By:      php at placebo dot demon dot nl
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         PHP options/info functions
 Operating System: Windows 2000
 PHP Version:      5CVS-2006-05-04 (snap)
 New Comment:

I have a similar problem too.
However, what I've found is not *exactly* the case described here.

I have many CLI scripts which I use with the PHP-CLI (Linux).
Most of them work fine, however one script that does the indexing of
lots of documents fails after a few *minutes* with the error message:

"Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded."

My php-cli.ini settings are as follows:

max_execution_time => 0 => 60
max_input_time => 30 => 30

Since only one of my scripts fails with that message afer running for
*MORE* than 30 or 60 seconds and other scripts (PHP-CLI based daemons)
run fine 24/7, I can see three issues here:

1) It is very likely to do with the *max input time*, not max execution

2) The error message is wrong. I believe it should be "Maximum input
time of 30 seconds exceeded"

3) Even if input time is more than the limit, it should not break a
script run under PHP-CLI.

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-04 13:32:12] n dot escuder at intra-links dot com

The same problems can be reproduced on linux platform with php 5.1.3
CLI and this break all scripts who work with the CLI version that have
a main loop.


[2006-05-04 12:42:26] php at placebo dot demon dot nl

PHP 5.1.3 and up uses the max_input_time php.ini setting for the
maximum execution time of a script. It should you the
max_execution_time setting.

correct 5.1.2
wrong 5.1.3
wrong 5.1.5-dev Built On: May 04, 2006 06:30 GMT

Reproduce code:
php.ini setting:
max_execution_time = 1
max_input_time = 5

$time_end = time() + 10;
while (time() <= $time_end) {

Expected result:
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 1 seconds exceeded in
c:\Apache\htdocs\site\test.php on line 23

Actual result:
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 5 seconds exceeded in
c:\Apache\htdocs\site\test.php on line 23


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