ID:               37412
 User updated by:  rafal dot figas at rad-com dot pl
 Reported By:      rafal dot figas at rad-com dot pl
 Status:           Bogus
 Bug Type:         Apache related
 Operating System: gentoo
 PHP Version:      5.1.4
 New Comment:

Sorry for re-opening bug. If u think I'm not right comment and bogus it
and I'll let him die.

OK, I've already read that and I understand, but I have "MaxFreeMem"
directive in apache (I'm using mod_php). And that makes me wonder...
Are you saying that this is proper behaviour of apache?

I've just noticed that reloading apache causes it to free the memory...
Another strange behaviour.

And another strange thing - after a few consecutive executions server
starts swapping. It's not normal when apache has 1GB of free memory

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-11 18:55:29] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please read what Ilia said in the last comment to bug #36197.


[2006-05-11 18:42:33] rafal dot figas at rad-com dot pl

Similar to bug: 36197

I think that what momo says may be truth. I've experienced similar
problem. I do not now is it PHP problem or APACHE problem.

I have a big script operating on tables and objects. It needs aprox.
100MB of memory. Apache allocates memory. Script executes and finishes.
Memory is still reserved. Apache really keeps memory reserved "for
future use", but(!) here comes problem: I have a MaxFreeMem directive
set in apache config to 1KB! So as Apache documentation says it should
be freed instantly after script execution finishes (because it is
unused) but it doesn't. Either there is bug in Apache (can't check) or
PHP does not frees used memory, and apache does not know that it is
free. Please, simply check this problem, because for big scripts it
makes my machines crash. My version was exactly 5.1.2 (now it is 5.1.4
and the problem remains) and OS is gentoo. Best regards.


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