ID:               37300
 User updated by:  astinky at lycos dot com
 Reported By:      astinky at lycos dot com
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         Feature/Change Request
 Operating System: Windows Server 2003
 PHP Version:      5.1.3
 New Comment:

That snapshot still does not allow setting the memory_limit in either
the script or the php.ini. I ran the snapshot as-is at home on WinXP
SP2 with no extensions loaded at all. (aside: the apache 2.2 handler
still reports itself as "Apache 2.0 Handler")

echo 'memory_limit: ';
echo ini_get("memory_limit");

echo 'memory_limit: ';
ini_set("memory_limit", "32M");
echo ini_get("memory_limit");

Both output only "memory_limit: " with no error generated.

My fgetcsv test script does not crash on this version either.

I'm kinda baffled at this point. If we get a working memory_limit for
php on windows, great, I'll test it on
my live shipyards script to see if it is the issue causing it to stop
short of completion, if not, I'll have to track down other changes
since 5.0.5 that may be causing this issue for me.

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-11 18:17:03] astinky at lycos dot com

It seems

changes faster than I can download it. (~1hr) I got a corrupted zip
file. I got the source OK though.

I'l try:


[2006-05-11 15:50:30] astinky at lycos dot com

Well, using this code to test:

        $shipdatarow = array();
        $shipcount = 0;
        $filename = "shiplist.txt";
        while (($shipdata = fgetcsv($fp, 1569, chr(9))) !== FALSE) {
                if ($shipdata[0] == "Mirak") {
                        $shipdatarow[$shipcount] = $shipdata;

echo $shipdatarow[0][2];
echo '<br><br>';
echo $shipdatarow[$shipcount-1][2];

I cannot reproduce the crash on either our server or my home PC.

However the output of the full script is still truncated on our

I am using identical configurations on the two machines, the only
difference being that our server is running Windows Server 2003 and
Symantec Corporate AV (not my choice, I hate Norton with a passion) and
I'm running WinXP SP2 at home with no virus scanner.

This is still php 5.1.4.

I'll now test that snapshot at home and on the server to see the effect
on my script and whether or not I can set the memory limit.

Its starting to look like I've sent you on a wild goose chase.


[2006-05-11 14:46:39] astinky at lycos dot com

Will do... just gimme a bit to download it, I'm on dial-up here.

Extensions in use:

extension=php_mysql.dll (compiled against libMySQL 5.0.21)

I get the same result without my build of eAcclerator 0.9.5-b2 (php
5.1.4) loaded, so that is not the cause.

Here is the memory intensive portion of the script in question:

        $shipdatarow = array();
        $shipcount = 0;
        $filename = "shiplist.txt";
        while (($shipdata = fgetcsv($fp, 1569, chr(9))) !== FALSE) {
                if ($shipdata[0] == $shiprace[$WONlogonsubRace]) {
                        $shipdatarow[$shipcount] = $shipdata;

The file shiplist.txt is ~2.9MB in size.

I optimised it on an apache-php build on QNX I produced myself a few
years ago, as it was originally developed on a windows server when
there was no memory limit in php on windows and it needed on
optimisation to run in a reasonable memory space under my apache-php
build for QNX.

Here is the application in place:
however you will not be able to see the shipyards page without a forums
login on our site and a character account on the game server.

I will zip up the works for you to look at (db passwords and some
hostnames and paths removed) Much of the code is from when I first
started with php (3.x) so don't laugh too hard...
here it is:

I must emphasise that I did not have this problem with exactly the same
config on php 5.0.5 so I know it is not the script or the extensions I
am using.

Nevertheless, I will test a stripped down version at home that just
opens the text file and loads a portion of it into an array. I'll do
this with no extensions loaded.

Again it will take me some time to download as I'm on dial-up at home

To test it on our server I'll need to compile eAccelerator and
php_mysql against this snapshot (and it seems you've saved me compiling
an apache 2.2 module)

However the stripped down test on my home PC will get priority.


[2006-05-11 14:09:18] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

And please tell me what PHP extensions do you have enabled. Try with a
minimal config to see if the problem disappears. I rather suspect crash
has nothing to do with memory limit.

Also if possible please provide reproducing script.


[2006-05-11 14:04:36] astinky at lycos dot com

Sorry, I missed your last comment before my last post.

I will indeed give that snapshot a try and report back as soon as I get
it tested!


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