ID:               37560
 Comment by:       soussey at network54 dot com
 Reported By:      tsr2600 at gmail dot com
 Status:           Assigned
 Bug Type:         MySQLi related
 Operating System: FreeBSD 6.1
 PHP Version:      5.1.4
 Assigned To:      georg
 New Comment:

I can confirm this. It also happens under FastCGI. If a page can be
found that produces an error, an attacker can use this repeatedly to
shut down an entire site. The attack need only be a person and a
browser and need not to continue in order to DOS and bring down a site.

Previous Comments:

[2006-05-23 11:42:53] tsr2600 at gmail dot com

When a MySQLi resource is created, a fatal error or exception (possibly
others) will result in the script terminating but MySQL's SHOW
PROCESSLIST; will report a "Reading from net" state indefinitely for as
many connections as were created before script termination.  These
connections will be accumulated until MySQL fails with too many

This only occurs when PHP is running as an Apache module, it does not
occur when PHP is running from the command line.  Also, this does not
occur with the MySQL PHP functions, only MySQLi.

I have tested this on:

FreeBSD 6.1, PHP 5.1.4, Apache 2.0.58, MySQL 4.0.19
Gentoo, PHP 5.1.4, Apache 2.2.0, MySQL 4.0.19

Reproduce code:

$dbh = mysqli_connect($any, $valid, $params, $work);



Expected result:
A fatal error, telling me that I made a call to an undefined function. 
I expect no residual MySQLi connections.

Actual result:
A fatal error, telling me that I made a call to an undefined function. 
However, I still have a residual MySQLi connection, as reported by


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