ID:               28327
 Comment by:       ras at fyn dot dk
 Reported By:      zajdee at seznam dot cz
 Status:           No Feedback
 Bug Type:         Directory function related
 Operating System: Windows NT4
 PHP Version:      5CVS-2004-05-08 (dev)
 New Comment:

Final note, I have just switched to an old Apache release, version
1.3.37, and this works without problems, using latest PHP release,
version 5.1.6.

I configured it to run with the "php5apache.dll" module, not the CGI.

The problem seems to occur only with "php5apache2.dll" and
"php5apache2_2.dll" under Apache 2.0.x and 2.2.x, respectively. I
suppose this might be a bug in Apache, rather than in PHP?

Previous Comments:

[2006-09-13 11:06:59] ras at fyn dot dk

Forgot to mention, I'm using Windows XP SP2. So it is, apparently, not
specific to Windows NT.


[2006-09-13 11:04:34] ras at fyn dot dk

I have tried installations from scratch, using all possible
combinations of all of the following:

- PHP 5.1.6 (latest release)
- PHP 5.2.x-dev (latest snapshot)

- Apache 2.2.3 (latest release)
- Apache 2.0.59 (last stable 2.0 release)
- Apache 2.0.55

That is, I've tried both versions of PHP under all three different
Apaches. On all six combinations, I've tried configuring Apache to use
both "php-cgi.exe", as well as the modules ("php5apache2.dll" and
"php5apache2_2.dll", respetively).

The test-script I've been using is as follows:

echo getcwd() . "<br />";
echo getcwd() . "<br />";
echo getcwd() . "<br />";
echo getcwd();

I've created the folder "test" next to the "test.php" script. In all
setups, I get the following output:

C:\Programmer\Apache Group
C:\Programmer\Apache Group

I have configured "php.ini" and "httpd.conf" manually every time, on
two occassions using a configuration file written by a friend. All with
the same result.

I have even tried downloading "WAMPServer" and one or two other
out-of-the-box WAMP distributions, all with the same result - they
don't work.

I'm at my wits end - PHP5 under Apache2 simply does not seem to be an
option for Windows users at this point...


[2005-05-03 14:00:55] gemije at gmx dot net

Is there a chance to fix this bug in near future?


[2005-03-10 18:38:37] n dot s dot robson at open dot ac dot uk

I've just tried the latest build 5.1.0-dev downloaded this afternoon,
on an NT4 system, under IIS 4.0, and the bug is still present.

This code
<?php $dir = getcwd();
         echo "CWD: $dir <Br/> Change dir up one level <Br/>";
         chdir ("../");
         $dir = getcwd();
         echo "CWD: $dir ";

gave this output

CWD: E:\IIS_40\wwwroot\Test1\level2\level3\level4 
Change dir up one level 
CWD: E:\IIS_40


[2005-02-23 01:00:06] php-bugs at lists dot php dot net

No feedback was provided for this bug for over a week, so it is
being suspended automatically. If you are able to provide the
information that was originally requested, please do so and change
the status of the bug back to "Open".


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