ID:               36469
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      levi at alliancesoftware dot com dot au
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Assigned
 Bug Type:         PostgreSQL related
 Operating System: FC3
 PHP Version:      5.1.2
-Assigned To:      
+Assigned To:      helly

Previous Comments:

[2006-02-23 02:35:30] levi at alliancesoftware dot com dot au

I have tried and can repeat the error on the following:

Fedora Core 2 (x86):
 PHP 5.0.4* PG 8.1*
 PHP 5.1.2* PG 8.1*

Fedora Core 3 (x86-64):
 PHP 5.0.4** PG 8.1*
 PHP 5.1.2*  PG 8.1*

* = compiled from source
** = system RPM

 I also doublechecked that the connection only says its busy if the
previous query had an error (ie change the query to a valid SELECT and
it doesn't happen)


[2006-02-22 10:57:52] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What PG version are you using and did you try to upgrade it (and
rebuild PHP with the upgraded libs) ?


[2006-02-21 08:18:22] levi at alliancesoftware dot com dot au

According to the pg_connection_busy documentation, if pg_get_result is
called on a pg_send_query that is currently executing, it should block
until results become available.

Occasionally this does not happen if the query had an error in it.

Reproduce code:
  $connStr = sprintf("host=%s dbname=%s user=%s password=%s",
'localhost', 'testdb', 'liam', 'liam');
  $dbconn = pg_connect($connStr) or die("Could not connect");

        $i = 0;

        while (!pg_connection_busy($dbconn)) {
                pg_send_query($dbconn, 'i am a syntax error');

        echo "got a busy signal after $i commands";


Expected result:
(Loops forever)

Actual result:
got a busy signal after 221 commands

(actual count varies, but always returns within 1 second. Approximately
1/3 of the time it gives a "happy" run and will loop forever)

Note that if the SQL statement was a valid statement, I cannot get the
erroneous behaviour to occur.


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