ID:               39073
 User updated by:  jim at centerfuse dot net
 Reported By:      jim at centerfuse dot net
 Status:           Bogus
 Bug Type:         Safe Mode/open_basedir
 Operating System: FreeBSD 4.11
 PHP Version:      5.1.6
 New Comment:

file_exists() had previously worked for me in safe mode, most likely
because I was using PHP 5.1.4, which was subject to bug #37987 (invalid
return of file_exists() in safe mode). My apologies for the bogus bug,
but you can understand my confusion.

Previous Comments:

[2006-10-07 20:31:45] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The ini directive is called safe_mode_*INCLUDE*_dir.
Please read what it's used for:


[2006-10-07 19:19:12] jim at centerfuse dot net

This bug does not seem to affect require_once(), require(), or
include(), which are still able to access the file from a different UID
(as long as safe_mode_include_dir is set as it should be). However,
other file operations such as file_exists and fopen fail. In the
example below, note that the include() succeeds because the output does
say "this is the test file"

// safe_mode_include_dir is /home/php_include_test
// the file /home/php_include_test/test 
// simply says "this is the test file<br />"

$test_file = '/home/php_include_test/test';


if ( file_exists($test_file) ) {
        echo 'Test file exists.<br />';
else {
        echo 'Test file does not exist<br />';

if ( is_readable($test_file) ) {
        echo 'Test file is readable.<br />';
else {
        echo 'Test file not readable<br />';

if ( $fp = fopen($test_file, 'r') ) {
        echo 'Test file opened for read.<br />';
else {
        echo 'Test file could not be opened for read<br />';

this is the test file
Test file does not exist
Test file not readable

Warning: fopen() [function.fopen]: SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The
script whose uid is 1010 is not allowed to access
/home/php_include_test/test owned by uid 0 in
/home/www/jim/public_html/jimtest.php on line 21

Warning: fopen(/home/php_include_test/test) [function.fopen]: failed to
open stream: Inappropriate ioctl for device in
/home/www/jim/public_html/jimtest.php on line 21
Test file could not be opened for read


[2006-10-07 09:19:06] jim at centerfuse dot net

get_cfg_var() and ini_get() both return the correct
safe_mode_include_dir, but it seems to just be ignored. Just for good
measure, I also tried using a different directory altogether, but got
the same results.


[2006-10-07 08:10:57] jim at centerfuse dot net

note, the trailing parentheses that appears in my reproduce code after
the safe_mode_include_dir is *not* present in php.ini, it was a typo.


[2006-10-07 08:09:58] jim at centerfuse dot net

Just upgraded to php 5.1.6, and safe_mode_include_dir doesn't appear to
be honored. I'm running with safe mode = On and one directory in the
include_dir. Trying to include/fopen/etc any file from that directory
results in a safemode UID restriction. phpinfo() shows that PHP is
reading the correct configuration file and that it knows about

Reproduce code:
//in php.ini: safe_mode_include_dir = "/usr/local/share/FUSE")

$fp = fopen('/usr/local/share/FUSE/FUSE-main.php', 'r')

Expected result:
fopen should return file pointer

Actual result:
Warning: fopen() [function.fopen]: SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The
script whose uid is 1006 is not allowed to access
/usr/local/share/FUSE/FUSE-main.php owned by uid 0 in
/home/context/public_html/test.php on line 13


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