ID:               39384
 Comment by:       s dot s at terra dot com dot br
 Reported By:      cw264701 at ohiou dot edu
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         Class/Object related
 Operating System: Ubuntu Linux
 PHP Version:      5.2.0
 New Comment:

The object still running as expected. If you change the attribute
table, its sure that when you read it again the value will be the last
assigned; null in this case.

Try to eliminate the line "$this->table = null;" and run the test

You dont need to set the attribute to null to serialize the object as
you are doing. The magic method __sleep is used to persist only the
attributes you whant, not the entire object ;)

>From the docs:
serialize() checks if your class has a function with the magic name
__sleep. If so, that function is executed prior to any serialization.
It **can** clean up the object and is supposed to return an array with
the names of all variables of that object that **should** be

Previous Comments:

[2006-11-04 20:59:46] cw264701 at ohiou dot edu

PHP assumes that I will not use an object after serializing it.  This
shouldn't cause problems if my object's class does not define a
__sleep() function, but if it does, and that __sleep() function
modifies the object, then I can't reliably use that object until it is
recreated using unserialize().

There is no mention of this in the documentation for the serialize()
function, or anywhere else that I saw.  More importantly, if PHP
expects me to *not* use an object after calling serialize() on it, then
PHP should produce an error message if I *do* try to use that object
before unserialization.

This is one of several problems (not all necessarily "bugs", but shaky
designs), that I've come across recently, which greatly reduces the
ability for PHP applications to take advantage of *transparency*. 
I.e., I should not have to care how a class is implemented (for
instance, whether or not it uses the magic __sleep() function) to make
use of it.

I recently adopted the ezpdo ( ORM tool.  It has
probably hurt my productivity more than it has helped because it makes
use of such leaky abstractions.  Some of these may be the fault of that
tool, but many flaws like this seem to be more general PHP problems. 
(Sorry for the rant, but I think issues like this are pretty important,
and the reason I very often become frustrated with PHP.)

Reproduce code:

class MultiplicationTable {

  public $size;
  public $table;

  public function MultiplicationTable( $size ) {
    $this->size = $size;
    for( $a = 1; $a <= $size; ++$a ) {
      for( $b = 1; $b <= $size; ++$b ) {
        $this->table[$a][$b] = $a * $b;

  public function __sleep() {
    $this->table = null;
    return( array("size") );

  public function __wakeup() {

$mt = new MultiplicationTable(4);
echo $mt->size . ", " . $mt->table[4][4] . "\n";
$serialized_mt = serialize($mt);
echo $mt->size . ", " . $mt->table[4][4] . "\n";
$unserialized_mt = unserialize($serialized_mt);
echo $unserialized_mt->size . ", " . $unserialized_mt->table[4][4] .


Expected result:
Well, ideally the object would still "work" after creating a
serialize()'d version of it, but I think making that work would require
significant changes to PHP's whole serialization model (or perhaps you
could just have __wakeup() be called right after serialization; perhaps
only if the object is accessed again).  But, the more realistic solution
would probably result in some kind of error message when I try to access
my $mt object after calling serialize() on it.

Actual result:
4, 16
4, 16


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