ID:               39384
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      cw264701 at ohiou dot edu
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Bogus
 Bug Type:         Class/Object related
 Operating System: Ubuntu Linux
 PHP Version:      5.2.0
 New Comment:

Thank you for taking the time to write to us, but this is not
a bug. Please double-check the documentation available at and the instructions on how to report
a bug at

Previous Comments:

[2006-11-07 15:52:03] s dot s at terra dot com dot br

OK. You are right about the documentation, reading it again I got you
point and it induce to unset values of the object when the __sleep()
method is called.

>From documentation:
"*It can clean up the object* and is supposed to return an array with
the names of all variables of that object that should be serialized."

May this bug can be related to the documentation than the serialization
or object architecture.

About change the serialization paradigm some problems that can get you
into trouble serializing objects as "C" are: resources and references
to other objects.

Think that your object hold a connection with database, when you
serialize it this connection *should* be represented in some way or
stored as a "C pointer". But when you unserialize, in other request to
your httpd server, this resource *should* be restored and if its stored
as a "C pointer" I think it will cause a segfault when you try to access
this connection again, due to a read try on a memory segment that will
have another informations thats not the database connection reference
anymore or its owned by other process.

Same for object references. Where you have other problems such as
recursion and/or cyclic references.

I don't really known how to store the reference "state" and I think
storing it can lead to problems too. Think in a opened file in read or
write mode. If the parser are able to store its "state" and restore it,
the pre-requisite is that this file *should* exist and maybe unmodified
due to internal file seek pointer. In the database case you need to get
special care with user and password to database or it can lead to a
security issue if you try to save something like the Pear DSN to
represent the database connection.


[2006-11-06 15:27:22] cw264701 at ohiou dot edu

Yes, I understand that I need not set the "table" attribute to null. 
This was a bad example; sorry.

My complaint isn't about a specific case of using serialize() and the
magic __sleep() function.  I am complaining that the whole concept is
flawed.  The PHP documentation is encouraging users to define this
__sleep() function and, thus, modify their objects before they are
serialized.  This is kind of silly, because, when we serialize() an
object, that exact object is not being serialized, *itself*, but a
*serialized representation* of that object is being formed (and stored
as a string).  The intent of the __sleep() function is good: to allow
some control over what is actually stored for a serialized version of
an object.  The problem is, it can have *side effects*.

This really becomes a problem when you are working with a class that
you didn't write.  For example, I am using ezpdo.  I carelessly (which
should be okay in this case) serialize()'d one of my ezpdo-mapped
objects before I was finished using it; things blew up.  It shouldn't
be "wrong" for me to do something like this:
  $_SESSION['purchase'] = serialize($myPurchaseObject);
  $smarty->assign('purchase', $myPurchaseObject);
There, I attempt to store away my object in the session, just before I
pass it off to my template engine for view rendering.  Perhaps this
technique would be considered bad practice (to a PHP guru/developer),
but that shouldn't leave me in the dark with some broken code.  When I
use a class, I want to program to its *interface*, not an
implementation; I shouldn't have to care whether or not it happens to
define a __sleep() function, and therefore cannot be used after it has
been passed to a call to serialize().

I understand the value of __sleep(), but I think the whole
serialization library/interface needs re-thinking.  I suggest one of
three solutions:
 - When an object, O, is serialize()'d, PHP could create an exact copy
of that object (a "shallow copy", I believe), let's say C.  PHP would
then call __sleep() for the new object, C, and serialize that instance
of the class.  This technique seems slightly risky, though, because we
have to depend on the class' __sleep() function to not directly modify
any of its referenced objects, but rather rely on those references to
use their own __sleep() functions to do any cleaning up; the class
shouldn't directly modify its references, but who knows...
 - Call an object's __wakeup() method after a serialized representation
has been formed but before returning from the serialize() function. 
This method might be wasteful in many cases (where the object was never
again used after serialization), but better safe than sorry.  Perhaps
the __wakeup() function could be called on the object only if an
attempt is made to "use it" after the call to serialize().
 - The quick-n-dirty solution would be to, simply, cough up an error
message if an object is referenced *after* a call to serialize() has
been made on it - *regardless of whether the object has an associated
__sleep() method*.


[2006-11-06 12:27:29] s dot s at terra dot com dot br

The object still running as expected. If you change the attribute
table, its sure that when you read it again the value will be the last
assigned; null in this case.

Try to eliminate the line "$this->table = null;" and run the test

You dont need to set the attribute to null to serialize the object as
you are doing. The magic method __sleep is used to persist only the
attributes you whant, not the entire object ;)

>From the docs:
serialize() checks if your class has a function with the magic name
__sleep. If so, that function is executed prior to any serialization.
It **can** clean up the object and is supposed to return an array with
the names of all variables of that object that **should** be


[2006-11-04 20:59:46] cw264701 at ohiou dot edu

PHP assumes that I will not use an object after serializing it.  This
shouldn't cause problems if my object's class does not define a
__sleep() function, but if it does, and that __sleep() function
modifies the object, then I can't reliably use that object until it is
recreated using unserialize().

There is no mention of this in the documentation for the serialize()
function, or anywhere else that I saw.  More importantly, if PHP
expects me to *not* use an object after calling serialize() on it, then
PHP should produce an error message if I *do* try to use that object
before unserialization.

This is one of several problems (not all necessarily "bugs", but shaky
designs), that I've come across recently, which greatly reduces the
ability for PHP applications to take advantage of *transparency*. 
I.e., I should not have to care how a class is implemented (for
instance, whether or not it uses the magic __sleep() function) to make
use of it.

I recently adopted the ezpdo ( ORM tool.  It has
probably hurt my productivity more than it has helped because it makes
use of such leaky abstractions.  Some of these may be the fault of that
tool, but many flaws like this seem to be more general PHP problems. 
(Sorry for the rant, but I think issues like this are pretty important,
and the reason I very often become frustrated with PHP.)

Reproduce code:

class MultiplicationTable {

  public $size;
  public $table;

  public function MultiplicationTable( $size ) {
    $this->size = $size;
    for( $a = 1; $a <= $size; ++$a ) {
      for( $b = 1; $b <= $size; ++$b ) {
        $this->table[$a][$b] = $a * $b;

  public function __sleep() {
    $this->table = null;
    return( array("size") );

  public function __wakeup() {

$mt = new MultiplicationTable(4);
echo $mt->size . ", " . $mt->table[4][4] . "\n";
$serialized_mt = serialize($mt);
echo $mt->size . ", " . $mt->table[4][4] . "\n";
$unserialized_mt = unserialize($serialized_mt);
echo $unserialized_mt->size . ", " . $unserialized_mt->table[4][4] .


Expected result:
Well, ideally the object would still "work" after creating a
serialize()'d version of it, but I think making that work would require
significant changes to PHP's whole serialization model (or perhaps you
could just have __wakeup() be called right after serialization; perhaps
only if the object is accessed again).  But, the more realistic solution
would probably result in some kind of error message when I try to access
my $mt object after calling serialize() on it.

Actual result:
4, 16
4, 16


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