ID:               39400
 Comment by:       michael at labuschke dot de
 Reported By:      christoph at ziegenberg dot de
 Status:           Assigned
 Bug Type:         mbstring related
 Operating System: Win XP
 PHP Version:      5.2.0
 Assigned To:      hirokawa
 New Comment:

same on linux

Previous Comments:

[2006-11-07 14:30:24] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Assigned to maintainer


[2006-11-06 15:47:54] christoph at ziegenberg dot de

Point "different behaviour between a function and the case-insensitive
version" isn't right, I meant the difference between stripos() and
strripos() (which behave equal in the mbstring version).


[2006-11-06 13:21:54] christoph at ziegenberg dot de

I posted a bug for the wrong behaviour of mb_strstr() compared to
strstr() before - this has been fixed, but also the other functions
behave different.

Here a code to see more differences: 

- different behaviours between functions and the mbstring versions,
- different error messages and 
- different behaviour between a function and the case-insensitive

Reproduce code:
print('stripos (empty haystack):<br />');
stripos('', ',', 0);
mb_stripos('', ',', 0);

print('<br />stripos (offest > length):<br />');
stripos('1', ',', 3);
mb_stripos('1', ',', 3);

print('<br />strripos (empty haystack):<br />');

strripos('', ',', 0);
mb_strripos('', ',', 0);

print('<br />strripos (offest > length):<br />');
strripos('1', ',', 3);
mb_strripos('1', ',', 3);

print('<br />stristr (empty haystack):<br />');
stristr('', ',');
mb_stristr('', ',');

print('<br />strrichr (empty haystack):<br />');
strrchr('', ',');
mb_strrchr('', ',');

Expected result:
stripos (empty haystack):

stripos (offest > length):

[same error message, dunno which is the better one - they mean the
same, but it would be better to get the same text. or no error as in
strripos(), see below.]

strripos (empty haystack):

strripos (offest > length):

[same as for stripos() - strripos() returns no error here]

stristr (empty haystack):

strrichr (empty haystack):

Actual result:
stripos (empty haystack):

Warning: mb_stripos() [function.mb-stripos]: Empty haystack in
W:\www\mb_functions.php on line 4

stripos (offest > length):

Warning: stripos() [function.stripos]: Offset not contained in string.
in W:\www\mb_functions.php on line 7

Warning: mb_stripos() [function.mb-stripos]: Offset is out of range in
W:\www\mb_functions.php on line 8

strripos (empty haystack):

Warning: mb_strripos() [function.mb-strripos]: Empty haystack in
W:\www\mb_functions.php on line 13

strripos (offest > length):

Warning: mb_strripos() [function.mb-strripos]: Offset is out of range
in W:\www\mb_functions.php on line 17

stristr (empty haystack):

Warning: mb_stristr() [function.mb-stristr]: Empty haystack in
W:\www\mb_functions.php on line 21

strrichr (empty haystack):

Warning: mb_strrchr() [function.mb-strrchr]: Empty haystack in
W:\www\mb_functions.php on line 25


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