ID:               39449
 Comment by:       tim dot pickup at gmail dot com
 Reported By:      pstradomski at gmail dot com
 Status:           Assigned
 Bug Type:         Scripting Engine problem
 Operating System: Linux
 PHP Version:      5.2.0
 Assigned To:      dmitry
 New Comment:

Just adding a comment to say this "feature" is also going to cause me a
lot of pain changing code.

Any reason it is "expected behaviour" or do we just get a 4 word reply
basically saying **** you ?

Previous Comments:

[2006-12-15 19:32:06] davidm at marketo dot com

I agree strongly with brjann's analysis.  Once the language allows
overloaded properties on an object, it's completely confusing to say
that overloaded array properties are immutable while all other property
types are mutable, and also that non-overloaded array properties can be
iterated with foreach but overloaded array properties cannot be

I've got a significant amount of code that will have to be rewritten
because of this change.  The symfony framework encourages a design
pattern that uses overloaded properties on the action objects and any
instances where the overloaded property is an array are now broken. 

Other symfony users have run into the problem as well

David Morandi


[2006-12-06 22:18:09] mail at peter-thomassen dot de

I do agree with Denis in the sense that one should disable 
the notice for read access (using foreach, p.ex.), until a 
global solution including write access is found (or not). 
This doesn't harm anyone and would save me some lines of 
error_reporting() changes. Thanks!


[2006-12-06 11:08:10] brjann at gmail dot com

"// This should not raise notice
foreach( $a->overloaded_property as $val )
        echo $val."<br />\n";

// This should raise notice
$a->overloaded_property[] = 6;"

I do not agree with that. Neither of the examples should raise a
notice. There is no reason for

$a->overloadedprop = $bar

to work, but not

$a->overloadedprop[$foo] = $bar 



Either properties can be overloaded and therefore read, assigned and
iterated over, or not. Overloaded properties should behave the same way
as ordinary properties, or else the object's behaviour is

Perhaps the solution of using __get() to return a reference is
unsatisfactory in some way, but the behaviour should still be there.



[2006-12-04 08:55:15] denis at edistar dot com

I think the warning should be raised only when someone is 
trying to write the overloaded property.

Foreach and other loop constructs are readonly constructs 
except when they are using references of the overloaded 

For example:

class A{
        private $test = array(1,2,3,4,5);
        public function __get($v){
                return $this->test;


$a = new A;

// This should not raise notice
foreach( $a->overloaded_property as $val )
        echo $val."<br />\n";

// This should raise notice
$a->overloaded_property[] = 6;


Thank you,


[2006-11-19 11:53:11] v dot anagnostos at mail dot bg

Reproduce code:


class A{
        private $test = array(1,2,3,4,5);
        public function __get($v){
                return $this->test;


$a = new A;

foreach( $a->overloaded_property as $val )
        echo $val."<br />\n";


Expected result:


Actual result:

Notice: Indirect modification of overloaded property
A::$overloaded_property has no effect in
C:\Apache\htdocs\dancho\index.php on line 15


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