ID:               40021
 User updated by:  wharmby at uk dot ibm dot com
 Reported By:      wharmby at uk dot ibm dot com
 Status:           Wont fix
 Bug Type:         Unknown/Other Function
 Operating System: Windows XP
 PHP Version:      4CVS-2007-01-04 (snap)
 Assigned To:      iliaa
 New Comment:

Thanks for taking at look at this one Ilia. 

Having taken onboard your concerns regarding the performance impact of
my initial patch for a function 
which I agree has little value outside of a testing environment could I
ask you to consider the following 
alternative fix as without the ability to query the 
current setting of "callback" writing tests to verify 
this aspect of the API's behaviour is more difficult.

New patch:

This new fix has no impact on RINIT, whilst at the same time fixing the
assert_options API to perform as documented in PHP manual allowing new
tests to be written to verify the assert_options API. These new tests
will be dropped into CVS by my colleague if the new fix is acceptable.

Previous Comments:

[2007-01-12 15:51:48] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In this instance addition of RINIT done on every request for 
functionality of dubious use in a non-test environment is IMO 
outweighed by the performance considerations.

As such I am marking this issue as won't fix.


[2007-01-04 13:25:21] wharmby at uk dot ibm dot com

This issue previously raised on Internals list but no
response so raising defect to track resolution of the problem. 

A colleague of mine is currently working on creating new
test cases to improve the coverage of the PHP test cases 
and whilst attempting to write new tests for the assert and
assert_options functions hit on a problem when attempting
to query the current setting of  ASSERT_CALLBACK. using the 
assert_options() api. 

With the supplied testcase the following behaviour was 

        1) assert_options(ASSERT_CALLBACK, "new value") would return the old
setting or NULL if no value set 
        2) assert_options(ASSERT_CALLBACK) would return the current setting or
NULL if no value set

In all cases however the return value is "1", or rather a 
bool zval of TRUE.

Looking at the code this is no surprise as the code in 
assert.c which processes these requests unconditionally 
returns with RETURN_TRUE.  For all other assert options 
other than assert_options() function returns the old value 
of the specified option (or FALSE on errors) as documented in the PHP

Further investigation uncovered that the code actually did 
behave in the way we expected until it was changed to 
accept  the array(&$obj, "methodname") syntax back in July 2001
(revision 1.32 of assert.c). At this time the return was changed to be
unconditionally TRUE. 

Unfortunately this makes writing a test case to query the current
setting of the ASSERT_CALLBACK option impossible as assert_options() no
longer returns any useable information for this option, i.e to code a
testcase as below that sets a value and then checks its set as

If the code is modified as in the attached patch to instead return the
zval for the current value for the ASSERT_CALLBACK option then we are
able create the new testcase to verify the  assert_options() api.
However, I am 
concerned there is a good reason this was not done when the 
code was changed back in 2001 although at the moment I myself cannot
see one. 

However, even with the assert_options code modified such 
that assert_options(ASSERT_CALLBACK) returns the current 
setting of the option rather than TRUE if a script issues 
assert_options(ASSERT_CALLBACK) BEFORE the first call to 
assert() then rather than getting any php.ini setting of 
assert_callback NULL is returned instead.

This behaviour is caused by a recent change made under 
defect 39718 ( The 
problem is that the value of the global ASSERTG(cb) is not 
copied to ASSERTG(callback) until the first call to assert()
by a request so if the script includes a query on the 
setting BEFORE the first call to assert() then the value returned is
the default INI setting, i.e. NULL, rather than 
any value specified in php.ini. The issues is easily 
addressed by moving the code that populates ASSERTG(callback) to a new
RINIT function in assert.c. 

The following patches address both issues raised above:


The patches were built against the latest snap shot build 
(Jan 4 2007, 0730) and the fix has been tested on 
both Windows and Linux using both the supplied testcase and the
existing PHPT tests for assert. 

If the attached patch is accepted then my colleague will then drop the
improved PHP testcases for assert into CVS.

Andy Wharmby 
IBM United Kingdom Limited 

Reproduce code:

function andy() 
        echo "andy called\n";

function default_callback() 
        echo "default_calback called\n";
  $o = assert_options(ASSERT_CALLBACK);

  echo "Initial setting from php.ini is \"$o\" should be
  $o= assert_options(ASSERT_CALLBACK, "andy");
  $n= assert_options(ASSERT_CALLBACK);
  echo "old setting is \"$o\"  new setting \"$n\"\n";

and the following php.ini setting: 


Expected result:
Initial setting from php.ini is "default_callback" should be
default_calback called

Warning: assert(): Assertion failed in
C:\Eclipse-PHP\workspace\Testcases\assertbug.php on line 16
old setting is "default_callback"  new setting "andy"
andy called

Warning: assert(): Assertion failed in
C:\Eclipse-PHP\workspace\Testcases\assertbug.php on line 21

Actual result:
Initial setting from php.ini is "1" should be
default_calback called

Warning: assert(): Assertion failed in
C:\Eclipse-PHP\workspace\Testcases\assertbug.php on line 16
old setting is "1"  new setting "1"
andy called

Warning: assert(): Assertion failed in
C:\Eclipse-PHP\workspace\Testcases\assertbug.php on line 21


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