ID:               40151
 User updated by:  playercd8 at hotmail dot com
 Reported By:      playercd8 at hotmail dot com
 Status:           Bogus
 Bug Type:         Network related
 Operating System: FreeBSD5.5
 PHP Version:      5.2.0
 New Comment:

are your answer like "PHP5 can not sure to use fsockopen at FreeBSD"?

is fsockopen not support at FreeBSD, now?

or, you are remove PHP5 able use at FreeBSD?

It's Bug? or not bug?

Previous Comments:

[2007-01-19 08:07:53] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sorry, but your problem does not imply a bug in PHP itself.  For a
list of more appropriate places to ask for help using PHP, please
visit as this bug system is not the
appropriate forum for asking support questions.  Due to the volume
of reports we can not explain in detail here why your report is not
a bug.  The support channels will be able to provide an explanation
for you.

Thank you for your interest in PHP.


[2007-01-19 04:25:18] playercd8 at hotmail dot com

I can manual telnet remote WebServer to get a html-file at FreeBSD.

but, I can not use fsockopen at FreeBSD.



[2007-01-19 02:23:15] playercd8 at hotmail dot com

function HttpRequest, It can run at PHP of Fedora Core 6.
but, Why it can not run at FreeBSD ?

Source code of the function, from
, and my some fix it.

PHP work at FreeBSD, It can use socket_connect/socket_recv/socket_write
but, why It can not use fsockopen ?

Why ?

        function HttpRequest( $url, $method = "GET", $data = NULL,
$additional_headers = NULL, $followRedirects = true )


        # in compliance with the RFC 2616 post data will not redirected

            $method = strtoupper($method);

        $url_parsed = @parse_url($url);

            if ([EMAIL PROTECTED]'scheme']) $url_parsed =



                $data_get = NULL;



        $ampersand = '';

                $temp = NULL;

                        foreach($data as $k => $v)


                                if ($k != "0")


                                $temp .= 

                                        $ampersand = '&';



                        $data_get = $temp;


                if([EMAIL PROTECTED])


                        if ($scheme == "https")

                                $port = 443;


                                $port = 80;


                if([EMAIL PROTECTED]) $path = '/';

                if(($method == "GET") and (@$data_get)) $path .= "?".$data_get;

                if ($this->debug == true)       echo $path;     

                $out = "$method $path {$_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']}\r\n";

                $out .= "Host: $host\r\n";

                if($method == 'POST')


                        $out .= "Content-type: 

                        $out .= "Content-length: " . @strlen($data_get) . 


                $out .= (@$additional_headers)?$additional_headers:'';

                $out .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";

                if($method == "POST") $out .= $data_get."\r\n";

                if ($this->debug == true)       echo $out;
                #fix https

                $openhost = ($scheme == "https" ? "ssl://" : "").$host;


                if ($this->debug == true)       echo

                if(!$fp = @fsockopen($openhost, $port, $errno, $errstr, 15))


                        if ($this->debug == true)       echo "Now can not open
socket.\nError($errno) $errstr\n";

                        return false;


                fwrite($fp, $out);


                while (!feof($fp))


                        $s = fgets($fp, 128);


                        if ($this->debug == true)       echo "\n".$s;


                        if ( $s == "\r\n" )


                                $foundBody = true;



                        if ( $foundBody )


                                $body .= $s;

                        } else {


                                #echo $s;


                                if( ($followRedirects) and 
(preg_match('/^Location:(.*)/i', $s,
$matches) != false) )



                                        if (strpos(trim($matches[1]), 'http') 
=== false)


                                                $urlTo = trim($matches[1]);

                                                $urlLocation = ($scheme == 
'https' ? 'https://' :
'http://').($host).(substr($urlTo, 0, 1) == '/' ? '' : '/').($urlTo);

                                                return $this->HttpRequest( 
$urlLocation );



                                                return $this->HttpRequest( 
trim($matches[1]) );


                                $header .= $s;

$s, $matches))


                                        $status = trim($matches[1]);





                return array('head' => trim($header), 'body' => trim($body), 
=> $status);



[2007-01-17 10:01:48] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Not enough information was provided for us to be able
to handle this bug. Please re-read the instructions at

If you can provide more information, feel free to add it
to this bug and change the status back to "Open".

Thank you for your interest in PHP.


[2007-01-17 09:34:56] playercd8 at hotmail dot com

$errno is return 671845376
$errstr is not retuen any string
Why I can not use fsockopen to work ?

Reproduce code:
                if(!$fp = @fsockopen($openhost, $port, $errno, $errstr, 15))


                        if ($this->debug == true)       echo "Now can not open
socket.\nError($errno) $errstr\n";

                        return false;


Expected result:


Edit this bug report at

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