ID:               34564
 Comment by:       wharmby at uk dot ibm dot com
 Reported By:      milman at gmx dot de
 Status:           Assigned
 Bug Type:         COM related
 Operating System: windows xp
 PHP Version:      5CVS-2005-09-20 (snap)
 Assigned To:      wez
 New Comment:

2 probelms here:

(1) The first is a problem with the testcase. Variants should be
modified by using the variant_set() fucntion, i.e
         variant_set($cancel, true)
         cancel = true;

(2) With (1) fixed navigation is still not cancelled because of a bug
in the COM code. I have posted a patch for this problem to internals
list for review by Wez, et al.

Previous Comments:

[2007-01-23 10:01:37] wharmby at uk dot ibm dot com

Hi Wez
  I will take a look at this one next. I am able to recreate as
described in defect.



[2006-06-23 21:14:37] massimiliano at it dot ibm dot com

on today 23.06.2006:

I can reproduce the same problem also on Win2K...
using the sample code here.

I tried with php 5.1.4 and (php 6 development) with the same behavior.

On php 4 abend give me a memory read fault popup reporting instruction
at address 0x1003b481 had referenced memory at 0x00000000.

IE version 6.0.2800...

Regards, Massimiliano


[2005-09-20 15:26:04] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Assigned to the maintainer of COM.


[2005-09-20 14:31:41] milman at gmx dot de

reference paramater in com-function-calls don't work

Reproduce code:
class IEEventSinker {
  function BeforeNavigate2(&$dom, $url, $flags, $TargetFrameName,
$PostData, $Headers, & $cancel) {
    $cancel = true ;

$ie   = new COM("InternetExplorer.Application");
$sink =new IEEventSinker();
com_event_sink($ie, $sink, "DWebBrowserEvents2");

$ie->Visible = true;

while(!$sink->terminated) {

Expected result:
the InternetExplorer shows a blank page

Actual result:
he show the page

the same in VB shows the expected.


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