ID:               39858
 Comment by:       james dot cordon at btinternet dot com
 Reported By:      develar at gmail dot com
 Status:           Assigned
 Bug Type:         PDO related
 Operating System: Windows XP SP2
 PHP Version:      5.2.0
 Assigned To:      wez
 New Comment:

What I have stated previously works, but only with the PHP vers. of
libmysql.dll {error lost connection}
mysql vers. {error unbuffered queries} just keeps making new
connections until it is maxed out, have found no solution to this.

I am using the very latest vers of everything.

Previous Comments:

[2007-02-23 12:09:20] james dot cordon at btinternet dot com

previous doesn't address stored procedure prob (from what i've read
this is a win prob only).

my revised approach:
Essentialy after you use a stored procedure call, burn another  query
to force an exception.

private $connect_a=array();
private $connected=0;

public function __construct($dsn=NULL, $user=NULL, $pass=NULL){
        } else {

public function query($q){
return parent::query($q);

public function dropConnection($stmt){

public function callStoredProcedure($stmt){
        #multi array
        while ($row= $stmt->fetch()) {
        echo '<br />';
        echo '<br />';
        if(stripos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'win') ){
        $stmt=$this->query("select 1+1");
}catch(PDOException $e){
        if($e->getCode()=='HY000' AND strpos ($e->getMessage(), 'Lost
connection' )){
        print "<-!!!- Error!: Caught 'Lost connection error, dropConnection()
-!!!-><br />";
        } else {
        throw $e;
return $resultset;

public function connect(){
#if($this->connected==1) return true;
parent::__construct($this->connect_a['DSN'], $this->connect_a['U'],
} catch (Exception $e) {

#just to prove obj is same one

        echo 'LOOP NUM:'.$i.'<br />';
        echo '<br />PDODL OBJ: ';
        echo '<br /><br />';
        $stmt=$pdodl_1->query("call testMany()");
        } while($i>0);

This is all from another project, so may need some tinkering.


[2007-02-23 11:29:16] martin dot schmitz at uni-bielefeld dot de

I've got a dirty solution for your problem (works under linux, not
tested on windows)

if i do:

$dbh->setAttribute( PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY, true);

$datasets = $dbh->query( 'SELECT * FROM table_name_1 WHERE id=5);
$result_1 = $datasets->fetch( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

$datasets = $dbh->query( 'SELECT * FROM table_name_2 WHERE id=7);
$address = $datasets->fetch( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

it gets the same unbuffered error. But if I do a fetch twice on the
first result and store it to a dummy array, the second query works:

$datasets = $dbh->query( 'SELECT * FROM table_name_1 WHERE id=5);
$result_1 = $datasets->fetch( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

// test, remove if bug is fixed
$dummy = $datasets->fetch( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

$datasets = $dbh->query( 'SELECT * FROM table_name_2 WHERE id=7);
$address = $datasets->fetch( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

I think the cursor-pointer does not work correctly?? You can also do a
fetchAll(), but then your result looks like:

array[0] => ( array=>([prename] => 'Martin' [name] => 'Schmitz'))

instead of

array=>([prename] => 'Martin' [name] => 'Schmitz')

Hope it works for you


[2007-02-22 12:39:23] james dot cordon at btinternet dot com


My bodge-it above doesn't work correctly, it just opens but doesn't
close many connections.

This does work (tried several times on 200 consec' queries)
added closeCursor().

        echo 'LOOP NUM:'.$i.'<br />';
                        $stmt=$pdodl_1->query("call testMany()");
                        echo '<br />PDODL OBJ: ';
                        echo '<br />PDO::STATEMENT OBJ: <br />';
                        echo '<br /><br />';
                        while ($row= $stmt->fetch()) {
                                echo '<br />';
                                echo '<br />';
                }catch(PDOException $e){
                        } else {
                        throw $e;


[2007-02-22 11:37:01] james dot cordon at btinternet dot com

php 5.2.1
win xp pro
mysql 5x
apache 2x

I also built a project assuming stored procedures would work
as they are mentioned in the php docs, anyway.

to cut a long story short, I extended PDO with methods that included
not connectimg to DB until actually needed.

public function connect(){
parent::__construct($this->connect_a['DSN'], $this->connect_a['U'],
} catch (Exception $e) {
### always use exception error handling

When  calling a 2nd query (after a stored procedure) I get the
General error: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query" every

I discovered calling "$pdoextended->connect();" after each use of a
stored procedure revived the connection (without instantiating another
PDOextended obj) with no errors.

This is ONLY a bodge-it but it is a very lightweight one.


[2007-02-20 14:24:37] barney dot hanlon at markettiers4dc dot com

That would technically be a workaround rather then a fix.  The issue is
still there, and switching to ODBC is not necessarily a good or
acceptable solution.  Also as we have taken onboard the Zend Framework
prior to beginning work on Zend Platform, creating non-standard
solutions doesn't sound like a forward step.  

However, until the PHP team pull their fingers out and assess PDO to
work with Windows properly, I may have to implement it.  Thank goodness
that the partnership with Microsoft will force PHP to stop treating IIS
as a perochial platform and get proper support.


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