ID:               40417
 User updated by:  exaton at free dot fr
 Reported By:      exaton at free dot fr
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         PDO related
 Operating System: Windows XP Pro SP2
 PHP Version:      5.2.1
 New Comment:

*Damn* *it*.

Good on you for spotting that, mgagne. For some freaking reason I was
so bent on examining the documentation for binding methods that I
skipped prepare(). No idea why.

Ilia, my apologies again, therefore ; but really I had not understood
your intermediate reply. At least now we have the knowledge that you
were working with all along.

So now, of course, the question is : should the spec' be changed in
favor of PHP's behaviour up until now ? I of course advocate changing
the manual, allowing for the new "feature" of multiple parameter
markers with the same name. I argue with the following points :

1) This issue already seems quite popular ; obviously, quite a few
people relied on the feature without realizing that it went against the
true specification.

Now that, of course, is a rather specious argument ; developers working
with PHP should stick to the spec' and get bent if they make use of
unintended functionality which is suddenly dropped -- I'm the first to
agree. However :

2) I see no compelling reason for which PHP should not "support" this
feature. It is a very natural feature that makes perfect sense when it
is used. It is most practical is naive search engine implementations
for small sites (auto-generated : WHERE (title LIKE :term0 OR text LIKE
:term0 OR author_name LIKE :term0) AND (title LIKE :term1 OR text LIKE
:term1 OR author_name LIME :term1) ...).

The underlying code is already designed in such a way as to support the
feature of multiple parameter markers with the same name. The only
change in PHP 5.2.1 is a condition check that throws an error, based on
the specification. And admittedly, writing that check in conformance
with the "feature" would be expensive (see e.g. my suggestion above)
and/or cumbersome or complicated, etc.

This would be a call for the PHP core developers.

Previous Comments:

[2007-03-02 21:59:15] mgagne at generationphp dot net

Unfortunately for some people, Iliaa is right:

"You cannot use a named parameter marker of the same name twice in a
prepared statement."

However, even if it's was added to the documentation about a year ago
(Sun Jan 8 14:02:42 2006 UTC), the behavior changed between PHP 5.2.0
and PHP 5.2.1 and it should have been added to the changelog as well.

I didn't know when happened to my application until I saw this bug


[2007-03-02 07:25:23] mgagne at generationphp dot net


I have the same bug using PHP 5.2.1. I had to downgrade to PHP 5.2.0
and it fixed the problem.

I'm using PDO::MYSQL. I have 2 bound variables in my request. All 2
have the same name. Since I'm only binding value once using
PDO::bindValue, the error is triggered without valid reason.

My query is similar to this one:

FROM posts
WHERE post_title LIKE :q OR
      post_text LIKE :q

I'm binding value once like this:

$sth->bindValue(':q', "$q", PDO::PARAM_STR);

This means there is something wrong within the internal count.

Also for the records, issue does not seem to be related to any specific
PDO driver. (issue is present with PostGreSQL and MySQL driver)



[2007-03-01 15:30:09] exaton at free dot fr

@ xing : I had not seen that word from Wez, but indeed is does make
sense to add the check in principle -- the API should make sure that
enough tokens were bound (to enhance its service and avoid "silent"
bugs) and can also guarantee that not too many were bound (might as

It's back to the problem with bindno, however... I'm not even sure of
the name of that variable. I think it would stand for "number of
bindings", e.g. the expected number of bound variables or values. I
believe that's how Ilia read it, and quite reasonably so. That meaning
is just not valid in the special (but probably not uncommon) case of
multiple named tokens (as opposed to question marks ?) with the same

Just a shot in the dark : wouldn't a workable, albeit expensive,
solution be to create a little hash table here with the names of all
the named tokens ? It would not hold duplicates, by definition ; hence
named tokens with the same name would only be counted once. Therefore
zend_hash_num_elements(params) would just have to be compared to
zend_hash_num_elements(token_names). But of course question-mark
placeholders would have to be treated in a different way...

Anyway, I don't think that's anything the PHP developers won't have
thought about themselves. Just my 2 cents.


[2007-03-01 08:15:50] xing at mac dot com

I have to agree with exaton on this. This is an absolute "app-breaker"
change and MUST be noted in the change-log at the very least.

It is pure luck I found this change before my official upgrade to

I really hope there there a solution to this.

On a blog, wez mentioned that this was a fix and the previous ability
to bind one to many placements was rather an bug. I however, strongly
disagree on a simple level that the pre-5.2.1 pdo binding just "made
sense". Why should php force developers to introduce more lines of code
that does nothing more when this can be take care of behind the scenes?


[2007-02-27 13:00:47] exaton at free dot fr

Hi again, thanks for reopening this issue.

Sorry for being so snarky before, but I'd just received a little
dressing down from my boss because of having to add the workaround to
already-validated code at extremely short notice. Classic case of
pushing for an upgrade on the production server in the frenzy of the

I'll let you guys take care of this now. I've kept my test case around
so I'm available for further trials if I can be of any use.


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