ID:               41015
 User updated by:  johannes dot guentert at gutedel dot com
 Reported By:      johannes dot guentert at gutedel dot com
 Status:           Open
 Bug Type:         mcrypt related
 Operating System: Windows XP Home, SP2, updated.
 PHP Version:      5.2.1
 New Comment:


Switching to Apache 2.2 solves the problem! Thanks!

I'll try to catch the problem switching to Apache 2.0.59, too.

Previous Comments:

[2007-04-08 02:01:59] webmaster at wiedmann-online dot de

No Problem here on Windows XP Pro SP2 with standard PHP Version 5.2.1.
But with Apache 2.2.3 and not 2.0.55 (Both apache2handler and CGI are


[2007-04-07 14:00:41] johannes dot guentert at gutedel dot com

sorry, PHPiniDir is of course:

PHPIniDir "C:/<php_dir>"


[2007-04-07 13:32:01] johannes dot guentert at gutedel dot com

The latest windows-snapshot causes the same problem, I copied the
original php.ini-recommended from this snapshot and only uncomment an
set following:

extension_dir = c:\<php_dir>\ext

the rest is original.

My apache-configs for php:

LoadModule php5_module "C:/<php_dir>/php5apache2.dll"
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
PHPIniDir "C:/<php_dir>/php"

the php.ini is loaded in both cases, cli and browser (test with renamed

Thanks for your help in advance!


[2007-04-07 13:13:07] johannes dot guentert at gutedel dot com

Yes, on linux, it's fine on my systems too. It seems to be a specific
windows problem. libmbcrypt.dll?


[2007-04-07 11:08:52] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please try using this CVS snapshot:
For Windows:

It works fine for me on Linux both in the browser and on CLI with


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