ID:               41473
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      borja dot pacheco at juntadeandalucia dot es
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Feedback
 Bug Type:         Apache2 related
 Operating System: Debian Sarge
 PHP Version:      4.4.7
 New Comment:

So the lock hangs because the file which was locked has been deleted?
(why is it deleted?)

Previous Comments:

[2007-05-27 17:28:32] borja dot pacheco at juntadeandalucia dot es

What do you mean with doing the same? We have 20 servers just executing
webmail, and all their process are doing the same, it means, serving PHP

If for the same, do you mean if all they are locked because the same
issue. It seems to. Executing lsof I can see every process locked, locks
are based on a PHP temporal file which been deleted.


[2007-05-27 16:54:55] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well, did you check all the stuck processes if they're doing the same?


[2007-05-23 12:07:20] borja dot pacheco at juntadeandalucia dot es

Dear all,

we have a webmail platform based on Reverse Proxies + Apache +

Lately we updated Apache's from 1.3.x to 2.0.54 (using standard Sarge
Debian packages), since this update, we are watching that Apache childs
get locaked because calls made by PHP.

Could you help us?

(Apache Support has already analyzed this issue, please check for
further details:

The software installed is based on standard Debian Sarge....
ii  php4           4.3.10-19      server-side, HTML-embedded scripting
ii  php4-cli       4.3.10-19      command-line interpreter for the php4
ii  php4-common    4.3.10-19      Common files for packages built from
the php
ii  php4-dev       4.3.10-19      Files for PHP4 module development
ii  php4-ldap      4.3.10-19      LDAP module for php4
ii  php4-pear      4.3.10-19      PEAR - PHP Extension and Application

Reproduce code:
Not applied

Expected result:
Apache2's childs shouldn't be locked

Actual result:
Apache2's childs are locked


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