ID:               41628
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      manuel at mausz dot at
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Feedback
 Bug Type:         Apache related
 Operating System: Linux
 PHP Version:      4.4.7
 New Comment:

I spent quite some time on a similar problem reproducible ONLY with
Apache 2.0 and it looked pretty much the same: Apache does not call the
handlers required to re-initialize the environment before processing the
request, so the environment is "inherited" from the previous request.
I really doubt it's PHP problem that Apache does not do its job
properly, but in the same time I'm not competent enough in Apache
internals, so I can't say I'm absolutely sure (just about 95%).
Your second post just confirms my conclusions.

Previous Comments:

[2007-06-07 16:15:37] manuel at mausz dot at

As far as I have analyzed the problem is that on startup apache calls
php_create_dir to create a hashtable holding the Directory-directive
("engine on" in our case). On viewing vhost1 this hashtable will get
passed to php_merge_dir as addv- (target) parameter so php will merge
other directives into that hashtable. On viewing vhost2 the same
hashtable will get passed to php_merge_dir already containing directives
from vhost1.


[2007-06-07 15:54:49] manuel at mausz dot at

PHP ini settings leak between different vhosts under certain
circumstances. This is reproduceable on FreeBSD and Linux (Gentoo with
and without their patchset) with Apache 1.3 and PHP4 + PHP5 running as
module. It's not reproducable with Apache 2.0.

This only occurs when putting a php_flag/value setting in a
Directory-directive, which will affected two (or more) vhosts. Please
note that the directive is totally unimportant.

Reproduce code:
(1) create test files
# cat /var/www/vhost1/dir1/index.php
  echo "register_globals: " . intval(ini_get('register_globals')) .
  echo "safe_mode:        " . intval(ini_get('safe_mode')) . "\n";
  echo "pid:              " . getmypid() . "\n";

# cat /var/www/vhost1/dir2/index.php
... same as above ...

(2) change apache settings to only fork one worker
KeepAlive Off
MinSpareServers 1
MaxSpareServers 1
StartServers 1
MaxClients 1

<Directory "/var/www/vhost1">
  AllowOverride Options
  php_admin_flag engine on

<VirtualHost *>
  DocumentRoot /var/www/vhost1/dir1/
  ServerName vhost1.domain.tld
  php_admin_value open_basedir /var/www/vhost1/

<VirtualHost *>
  DocumentRoot /var/www/vhost1/dir2/
  ServerName vhost2.domain.tld
  php_admin_value open_basedir /var/www/vhost1/
  php_admin_value register_globals 1

(3) open vhosts
- open vhost1
- open vhost2
- open vhost1 again

Expected result:
vhost1 (first time):
  register_globals: 0
  safe_mode: 0

  register_globals: 1
  safe_mode: 0

vhost1 (second time):
  register_globals: 0
  safe_mode: 0

Actual result:
vhost1 (first time):
  register_globals: 0
  safe_mode: 0

  register_globals: 1
  safe_mode: 0

vhost1 (second time):
  register_globals: 1
  safe_mode: 0


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