ID:               41617
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      grant at cnwtech dot ca
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Assigned
 Bug Type:         *General Issues
 Operating System: Win XP SP2 latest 20070606
 PHP Version:      5.2.3
-Assigned To:      
+Assigned To:      jmertic
 New Comment:

John, considering the last comment above, this is for you.. :)

Previous Comments:

[2007-06-08 03:14:47] grant at cnwtech dot ca

Tony... thanks for your response.

Well... I solved the problem.

Apparently, when you install PHP v5.2.1 or v5.2.3 and select to install
the EXTENSIONS, it not only copies the files onto your computer, but it
also adds statements at the end of the PHP.INI file to LOAD them.   I
was not aware of this... and thought that the earlier commented
extensions listed in the PHP.INI file had to be MANUALLY controlled and
set by the user.   So when I uncommented the extension php_mysql.dll
line... I thought I was enabling it... but in fact it was already
enabled.   How did I find this out?

I went to COMMAND PROMPT and typed php.exe command... ERROR MESSAGES
stating that the extensions had already been loaded... FINALLY! I still
don't know why the log file and Windows SYSTEM LOG event log did not
show details... perhaps a coding oversight?

I am not sure how this should be fixed with PHP... information in GUI
installation stating selected extensions will be installed and LOADED
(at end of PHP.INI file, not the earlier commented lines)?   Or perhaps
end user education and understanding?  

For me... my opinion is... 
Why would you have TWO places within the same PHP.INI file to control
loading EXTENSIONS... seems redundant and confusing to me...
installation should just UNCOMMENT the specific extensions code in the
middle of the PHP.INI file.



[2007-06-07 07:47:09] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please remove everything and try installing PHP from zip package.
The fact that 5.2.1 did work before and it doesn't work anymore most
likely means you did something terribly wrong, probably some mess with
the libs.

>Win32 backtrace required?
Sure, if you have any.


[2007-06-07 03:04:34] grant at cnwtech dot ca

Forgot to mention... IE7 reports IIS 500 error when script fails.

I also see recent post where user hadsame problem and resolved by
installing PHP, enabling php_mysql.dll and php_mysqli.dlls, and then
installing MySQL.   I will try this and see if it resolves the problem.



[2007-06-07 02:58:48] grant at cnwtech dot ca

Very strange problem.   Had PHP v5.2.1 installed, working, installed
MySQL v5.0.41 (latest), enabled php_mysql.dll extension in php.ini.  Ran
.PHP script that simply { echo "Hello World!<br>" } -OR- { phpinfo()
}... used to work PRIOR to enabling php_mysql.dll support.   Now I get
different results, typically (a) no output, no errors [usually] (b) five
pop-ups that are titled "Error" with no content when enable E_ALL &
display_errors [sometimes] or (c) FAULT in #### [this has only showed
itself twice].

Removing MySQL does NOT resolve problem.   Removing PHP does NOT
resolve problem.   Removing BOTH, ensuring installation folders
areclean, IIS is reset (i.e. no PHP extension configured & restarted)...
and system re-booted... WILL resolve issue.

Then installing PHP v5.2.3 is okay and PHP script runs (Hello world!). 
 Install MySQL v5.0.41 (again)... PHP works and MySQL works.   Enable
php_mysql.dll extension... UGH,same problem.

Have tried with different versions of MySQL (5.0.41, 5.0.37) and PHP
(5.2.3, 5.2.1)... ensuring folders completely deleted and system, IIS,
MySQL, PHP all re-started.

- YES... all extensions installed as part of PHP.
- PHP installed for IIS ISAPI versus CGI.
- Install path changed to C:\PHP5 (just in case issue with install path
from recent transition to C:\PROGRAM FILES\PHP)... see my other BUG
REPORT re: changing install path with MSI installer... must specify new
install path on TWO pages during installation (defaulkt overrides user
input on second page)
- Have not tested php_mysqli.dll extension.
- Running IIS v5.1, PHP5 and MySQL all LOCALLY on WinXP Pro SP2 latest
as of 20070606 system.  IE v7 installed.

Thoughts?  Suggestions?  Win32 backtrace required?

Reproduce code:
echo "Hello World!<br>";



Expected result:
"Hello World!<br>" should be displayed OR phpinfo()should be displayed.

Actual result:
1. Blank/No output in IE7 window

2. Five ERROR titled pop-ups with no content... no output in main IE7

3. Exception in ##### (happened twice...did not record numbers

4. System event log shows error 26 (or was it 29) with no content...
just PHP error.


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