ID:               41787
 Updated by:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reported By:      d58m at hotmail dot com
-Status:           Open
+Status:           Feedback
 Bug Type:         Apache2 related
 Operating System: windows 2000 Professional
 PHP Version:      5.2.4
 New Comment:

Thanks, but I asked for a backtrace, no need to resubmit disassembly,
it's completely useless.

>So therefore I get a different result than your out of date MSVC6
>progtramme, when I comes to debugging.

Right, and we'd like to see that different result.

Previous Comments:

[2007-06-27 16:07:33] d58m at hotmail dot com

I have downloaded bebug package unzipped into PHP folder and copy
extentions PDB into folder ex folder.
I type tested a programme in address space:
when I input some values into the form to launch PhP engine to generate
the result I get an error message asking to terminate or debug.However I
have got installed on My system Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003. So
therefore I get a different result than your out of date MSVC6
progtramme, when I comes to debugging. So I am resubmitting same results
that submitted on 25 of June 07 at 6:28pm.

Microsoft Visual Basic .NET  
Microsoft Visual C++ .NET  
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 Service Pack 1 (KB918007)   

The Disassembly was too long to copy so reduce it to break in the
debuging in Visual 2003 Compiler,Debugger.

First-chance exception at 0x005c8daa in httpd.exe: 0xC0000005: Access
violation reading location 0x00000011.
Unhandled exception at 0x005c8daa in httpd.exe: 0xC0000005: Access
violation reading location 0x00000011.

call stack

  005C8D8C  movsx       eax,byte ptr [eax] 
  005C8D8F  mov         edx,ebp 
  005C8D91  shl         edx,5 
  005C8D94  add         edx,ebp 
  005C8D96  add         edx,eax 
  005C8D98  mov         ebp,edx 
  005C8D9A  mov         ecx,dword ptr [esp+18h] 
  005C8D9E  mov         eax,dword ptr [ecx+4] 
  005C8DA1  mov         edx,dword ptr [ecx+1Ch] 
  005C8DA4  and         eax,ebp 
  005C8DA6  mov         dword ptr [esp+10h],eax 
->005C8DAA  mov         ebx,dword ptr [edx+eax*4] 
  005C8DAD  test        ebx,ebx 
  005C8DAF  je          005C8DD8 
  005C8DB1  cmp         dword ptr [ebx],ebp 
  005C8DB3  jne         005C8DCD 
  005C8DB5  cmp         dword ptr [ebx+4],edi 
  005C8DB8  jne         005C8DCD 
  005C8DBA  mov         ecx,edi 
  005C8DBC  mov         edi,dword ptr [esp+1Ch] 
  005C8DC0  lea         esi,[ebx+20h] 
  005C8DC3  xor         eax,eax 
  005C8DC5  repe cmps   byte ptr [esi],byte ptr [edi] 
  005C8DC7  je          005C8E17 
  005C8DC9  mov         edi,dword ptr [esp+20h] 
  005C8DCD  mov         ebx,dword ptr [ebx+18h] 
  005C8DD0  test        ebx,ebx 
  005C8DD2  jne         005C8DB1 
  005C8DD4  mov         ecx,dword ptr [esp+18h] 
  005C8DD8  mov         al,byte ptr [ecx+24h] 
  005C8DDB  test        al,al 
  005C8DDD  je          005C8F60 
  005C8DE3  lea         edx,[edi+23h] 
  005C8DE6  push        edx  
  005C8DE7  call        dword ptr ds:[7E21D8h] 
  005C8DED  add         esp,4 
  005C8DF0  test        eax,eax 
  005C8DF2  jne         005C8F6C 
  005C8DF8  mov         eax,dword ptr ds:[007E220Ch] 
  005C8DFD  push        7E33ACh 
  005C8E02  add         eax,40h 
  005C8E05  push        eax  
  005C8E06  call        dword ptr ds:[7E2208h] 
  005C8E0C  add         esp,8 
  005C8E0F  push        1    
  005C8E11  call        dword ptr ds:[7E21ECh] 
  005C8E17  test        byte ptr [esp+30h],2


[2007-06-25 18:28:31] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you for this bug report. To properly diagnose the problem, we
need a backtrace to see what is happening behind the scenes. To
find out how to generate a backtrace, please read for *NIX and for Win32

Once you have generated a backtrace, please submit it to this bug
report and change the status back to "Open". Thank you for helping
us make PHP better.


[2007-06-25 18:23:25] d58m at hotmail dot com

The Disassembly was too long to copy so I have reduce it to break in
the debugging, in Visual 2003 Compiler,Debugger.

First-chance exception at 0x005c8daa in httpd.exe: 0xC0000005: Access 
violation reading location 0x00000011.
Unhandled exception at 0x005c8daa in httpd.exe: 0xC0000005: Access 
violation reading location 0x00000011.

call stack

  005C8D8C  movsx       eax,byte ptr [eax] 
  005C8D8F  mov         edx,ebp 
  005C8D91  shl         edx,5 
  005C8D94  add         edx,ebp 
  005C8D96  add         edx,eax 
  005C8D98  mov         ebp,edx 
  005C8D9A  mov         ecx,dword ptr [esp+18h] 
  005C8D9E  mov         eax,dword ptr [ecx+4] 
  005C8DA1  mov         edx,dword ptr [ecx+1Ch] 
  005C8DA4  and         eax,ebp 
  005C8DA6  mov         dword ptr [esp+10h],eax 
->005C8DAA  mov         ebx,dword ptr [edx+eax*4] 
  005C8DAD  test        ebx,ebx 
  005C8DAF  je          005C8DD8 
  005C8DB1  cmp         dword ptr [ebx],ebp 
  005C8DB3  jne         005C8DCD 
  005C8DB5  cmp         dword ptr [ebx+4],edi 
  005C8DB8  jne         005C8DCD 
  005C8DBA  mov         ecx,edi 
  005C8DBC  mov         edi,dword ptr [esp+1Ch] 
  005C8DC0  lea         esi,[ebx+20h] 
  005C8DC3  xor         eax,eax 
  005C8DC5  repe cmps   byte ptr [esi],byte ptr [edi] 
  005C8DC7  je          005C8E17 
  005C8DC9  mov         edi,dword ptr [esp+20h] 
  005C8DCD  mov         ebx,dword ptr [ebx+18h] 
  005C8DD0  test        ebx,ebx 
  005C8DD2  jne         005C8DB1 
  005C8DD4  mov         ecx,dword ptr [esp+18h] 
  005C8DD8  mov         al,byte ptr [ecx+24h] 
  005C8DDB  test        al,al 
  005C8DDD  je          005C8F60 
  005C8DE3  lea         edx,[edi+23h] 
  005C8DE6  push        edx  
  005C8DE7  call        dword ptr ds:[7E21D8h] 
  005C8DED  add         esp,4 
  005C8DF0  test        eax,eax 
  005C8DF2  jne         005C8F6C 
  005C8DF8  mov         eax,dword ptr ds:[007E220Ch] 
  005C8DFD  push        7E33ACh 
  005C8E02  add         eax,40h 
  005C8E05  push        eax  
  005C8E06  call        dword ptr ds:[7E2208h] 
  005C8E0C  add         esp,8 
  005C8E0F  push        1    
  005C8E11  call        dword ptr ds:[7E21ECh] 
  005C8E17  test        byte ptr [esp+30h],2


[2007-06-24 22:27:52] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you for this bug report. To properly diagnose the problem, we
need a backtrace to see what is happening behind the scenes. To
find out how to generate a backtrace, please read for *NIX and for Win32

Once you have generated a backtrace, please submit it to this bug
report and change the status back to "Open". Thank you for helping
us make PHP better.


[2007-06-24 19:19:35] d58m at hotmail dot com

And you're 100% sure you have replaced ALL old dlls with the ones from
the zip you downloaded from And that includes the extra
dlls too. How exactly have you installed PHP to run under Apache? As a
module or as CGI binary?
   apache_2.2.4-win32-x86-no_ssl  lasted vision.
0. Unistalled old PhP-5.2.3-windows
1. Double click on PHP-5.2-Windows-installer-latest.
2. I accept the the terms in the licence Agreement.
3. C:\Program Files\PhP\
4. Apache 2.2x module
5. C\Apache Software foundation\Apache2.2\Conf\
6. Choose Items to install select all.
7. Install button clicked ok.
8. No installing errors.
9. I have not a clue on tacking old PhP-5.2.3-windows files


The remainder of the comments for this report are too long. To view
the rest of the comments, please view the bug report online at

Edit this bug report at

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