From: Moriyoshi Koizumi

> Indeed. But as long as libxml allocators are designed to be initialised
> only in the xml extension, the order could be a problem in which those
> extensions are initialised on startup. Maybe I can make clones of the
> xmlMemSetup() code and paste them to the PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION() of every
> extension which uses libxml, but it hardly looks like a better solution.
> I'd asked you for more a practical option :)

We had originally looked at implementing that xml_parser_inited stuff, but
the way it was implemented was basically duplicating the same initialization
code everywhere.

What would be nice would to have a centralized function (it would have to
live outside all the libxml based extensions that every extension could call
on MINIT. It would be re-entrant safe to avoid corruption of globals. Then
the extension could just call the function during its MINIT (as this would
also make it extremely easy to change initialization routines to correspond
with any changes in libxml or add any initialization that would need to take

This probably does have some draw backs, but it would be ideal.


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