At 14:10 22/02/2004 -0500, Rob Richards wrote:
On Sunday 22 February 2004 01:36 pm, Sterling Hughes wrote:
> > Mmmh
> >
> > too bad, will try to find a solution for libxml2 < 2.6
> >
> > I know, it's late in the release process, but the "old" implementation
> > didn't recognise default namespaces, which broke quite some ext/xml
> > scripts from php4 days and I'd like to have fixed that before 5.0.0
> In the meantime either add #ifdef configure checks or revert it out.
> Recognizing default namespaces shouldn't be hard to hack in to the code
> that was there, it just requires a bit of a rethink, and I believe we're
> set on supporting libxml2.5, right?

I personally would like to keep support for libxml 2.5, just because we know
it works correctly and stable with the xml extensions and I for one have had
little time to extensively test the xml extensions against 2.6.x. Other than
that, I have no other reasons for supporting 2.5

However, I believe the namespace support for SAX wasn't introduced or at least
wasn't fixed up until 2.6 so the issue may not be able to be fixed without
requiring 2.6

That being said, if everyone really wants to require 2.6 I would be fine with
it, but we may possibly be introducing new problems and will not be able to
fall back to 2.5. From what I have heard from people running 2.6.x have
reported, there have been no problems so far, but not sure how heavily they
tested everything.

In any case, try and agree to something :) If you don't then maybe we should leave it to post 5.0.0?
I gave Rob the green light because I thought it was a minor change without any BC implications...
It still seems OK but if we need libxml 2.6 or greater than I guess it's something we should consider. I have no idea of 2.6 availability and stability vs. 2.5. That said, we are aiming for RC1 on March 1st. Maybe it's a chance to reconsider having a bundle with libxml2? I know many disagree but I think maybe we should have two tar files, one with and one without



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