On Fri, 28 May 2004, Wez Furlong wrote:

> wez           Fri May 28 09:25:51 2004 EDT
>   Modified files:
>     /php-src/ext/standard     proc_open.c
>   Log:
>   Hopefully resolve proc_open build issues.

    If proc_open.c is compiled by default (it currently is), you
    are taking a huge risk here.  To put it differently,
    "Hopefully does not break the PHP 5 release (fingers crossed)".

    #ifdef-based portability solutions are infinitely inferior to
    autoconf-checks, because they only mature by breaking the
    build for someone to initiate a feedback cycle.  Doing this
    for an initial, widely anticipated release of a product is
    basically a guarantee for a lot of such feedback.

    The current platform check for linux, sun, and irix will
    catch a huge number of systems which either don't support pts
    or have not them enabled.  Are there any compelling reasons
    why you would not want to do this properly?

    I also just had a quick look at the code.  It assumes that if
    a C library contains code for grantpt etc, that the actual
    system also has a working /dev/ptmx.  This assumption is, of
    course, completely unreliable.  For example, the default
    Linux 2.4 kernel setting is "pts disabled" -- although glibc
    contains the support code you check for.  Thus, the current
    code will fail on a default Linux kernel.

    With other words: The pts support of proc_open.c is anything
    but mature and should not be enabled for the initial PHP 5

    - Sascha

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