On Wed, 16 Mar 2005, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:

Ilia Alshanetsky wrote:
Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:

I think this is a bit of a grey area actually. We definitely want to avoid new destabilizing core features in the 4.3 branch, but in extensions on the fringes it is a hard call. There are plenty of new features going into PECL extensions that work fine with PHP 4.3. So if ext/snmp had been moved to PECL these commits would have been fine?

Well, PECL gives the author far greater freedom relating to the release cycle and it is up to the author(s) of an extension to decide when to make a release and how to classify it (stable, beta, etc...). So, to answer your question, had snmp been in PECL the commits would've been fine.

Let's just move ext/snmp to PECL then and let Harrie and others develop this at their pace.

From HEAD only or branches too? :)


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