Hello Rob,

Tuesday, November 1, 2005, 11:49:22 AM, you wrote:

> Marcus,

> There are a few problems with this approach. A crash will occur if 
> adding a default namespace as there is no prefix.
> The namespace should probably be the key and prefix the value or default 
> namespaces should not be added.

Right, i'll look into that, probbaly adding the with key "".

> When doing a recursive get, if the namespace is redefined further down 
> in the subtree, the redefinition is what ends up in the array rather 
> than the closest namespace to the element. Just to be clear this also 
> only adds namespaces that are used, not those defined but not used 
> (which is probably ok with how they are used in SimpleXML).

Easy interface. If that leads to problems do it manually or use dom.
Wans't that our standard answer? :-)

> When calling getDocNamespaces recursively, if there are any 
> redefinitions in the tree, what ends up in the array all depends upon 
> the LAST node that get processed by the sxe_add_registered_namespaces 
> function.
> - probably better to do this one manually and walk the elements in the 
> tree checking the nsDef and adding them. Will be faster - one tree 
> traversal rather than multiple times (it ascends the entire tree every 
> time right now starting from the position of the node passed to 
> xmlGetNsList - which is a killer when called recursively).

Yes it is slow, i thought of the recursive useage only for debugging

> I dont mind helping with the changes, but not sure exactly how and which 
> namespaces you want to pull.

great - thanks


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