Hello Robert,

  thanks for providing new test cases!

Friday, October 26, 2007, 1:02:04 PM, you wrote:

> http://cvs.php.net/viewvc.cgi/php-src/ext/standard/tests/array/min_error.phpt?view=markup&rev=1.1
> Index: php-src/ext/standard/tests/array/min_error.phpt
> +++ php-src/ext/standard/tests/array/min_error.phpt
> --TEST--
> Test wrong number of arguments for min()
> --INI--
> --FILE--
> <?php
> /* 
>  * proto mixed min(mixed arg1 [, mixed arg2 [, mixed ...]])
>  * Function is implemented in ext/standard/array.c
> */

Personally i think it looks better if the *'s are all aligned.

> echo "\n*** Testing Error Conditions ***\n";

I mostly end the script with '?>' then have a line starting and ending with
'===' and then the text followed by a '</php' on the next line. The reason
for this is that '===DONE===' already has a special meaning. So the dividers
could look the same.

> var_dump(min());
> var_dump(min(1));
> var_dump(min(array()));
> var_dump(min(new stdclass));


> *** Testing Error Conditions ***

> Warning: min(): At%seast one %s on line %d

> Warning: Wrong parameter count for min() in %s on line %d

> Warning: min(): Array must contain at%seast one element in %s on line %d
> bool(false)

> Warning: Wrong parameter count for min() in %s on line %d

Please do not add --U* expectations in 5.*. I am not even sure that is

> *** Testing Error Conditions ***

> Warning: min(): At%seast one %s on line %d

> Warning: Wrong parameter count for min() in %s on line %d

> Warning: min(): Array must contain at%seast one element in %s on line %d
> bool(false)

> Warning: Wrong parameter count for min() in %s on line %d

thanks for the work anyway.

Best regards,

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