On Thu, 7 Aug 2008, Antony Dovgal wrote:

> On 07.08.2008 14:02, Jani Taskinen wrote:
> > You fixed by changing the test to be wrong? :)
> No, I fixed the test to show the same behavior with 4.4, 5.2, 5.3 and HEAD.
> I also fixed comparison of NaN with empty strings and numbers.
> > Is not $nan == $nan or $nan === $nan true ?
> No, they are not equal:
> "A NaN does not compare equal to any floating-point number or NaN,
> even if the latter has an identical representation. One can therefore test
> whether a variable has a NaN value by comparing it to itself (i.e. if  then x
> is NaN)."
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NaN

It's like NULL in SQL...


HEAD before 5_3!: http://tinyurl.com/6d2esb
http://derickrethans.nl | http://ezcomponents.org | http://xdebug.org

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