On 31.08.2008, at 19:24, Derick Rethans wrote:

If you know this so well, why did you ignore it for all the extensions
that you moved to PECL? From the NEWS file:

- Moved extensions to PECL (Pierre):
 . ext/dbase
 . ext/fbsql
 . ext/ming
. ext/sybase (not maintained anymore, sybase_ct has to be used instead)

Those four all have no history anymore in pecl/<extname>

Yes, its far from trivial to restore the history now in order to move it to PECL. However the history is obviously not lost, its still available in php-src. Of course it would be ideal if it would be available in PECL too, but I personally do not think its worth the trouble to attempt to restore things so that the history can be moved to PECL. For the future I have noted down the steps in the release process readme.

For ext/ming Pierre has promised to do the 0.3 compatible release based on PHP 5.2. Frank will handle things from then on. Note that ext/ ming is not developed in php-src, so there is probably little we really care about in the history in terms of on going development in pecl, since after all it will not be developed in pecl. Actually it might make sense to not even have it in pecl cvs at all.

I saw that ext/fbsql still exists in HEAD. I am not sure if this means its still possible to move the history. If yes then let me know (or better yet let [EMAIL PROTECTED] know) so it can be moved properly.

For ext/sybase I am not even sure if we want to have it in pecl at all. The extension is available from the php-src attic and we do not really expect (or want) development to continue since the ext is quite dead (both in terms of code and by the fact that sybase_ct has superseded the extension).

This leaves ext/dbase as the only one where it is in fact a pitty we have lost history. If someone knows a magic way to resurrect the history let me know.

 . ext/ncurses

Wasn't even moved now, but three years ago by hartmut.

Right, which means its not relevant to the question of having to restore from the attic. I think the way it was handled in the NEWS file mades sense. Obviously it was removed in HEAD a while ago, but the first time it will dissapear from a PHP release will be 5.3.0.

 . ext/fdf

Doesn't even exist in pecl/.

This is a commercial extension, no feedback from the original developers, so I think its reasonable not to put it into pecl.

- So lesson learned from my side (and thanks to the readme for future RMs as well). - Pierre will handle creation of a libming 0.3 compatible ext/ming PECL release
- ext/fbsql history can probably be saved
- ext/fdf and ext/sybase are dead and should probably not be in pecl
- ext/ncurses has been moved a while ago and all is well
- ext/dbase history is not going to be available via cvs.php.net/pecl unless someone is willing to put in the time

Lukas Kahwe Smith

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