g2                                       Thu, 03 Sep 2009 18:15:48 +0000

Revision: http://svn.php.net/viewvc?view=revision&revision=287997

updated commandline-options and help-file, removed unused classes

Changed paths:
    D   php/phpruntests/trunk/src/configuration/exceptions/
    U   php/phpruntests/trunk/src/configuration/rtCommandLineOptions.php
    D   php/phpruntests/trunk/src/configuration/unix/rtUnixSettingList.php
    D   php/phpruntests/trunk/src/configuration/windows/rtWinSettingList.php
    U   php/phpruntests/trunk/src/rtClassMap.php
    D   php/phpruntests/trunk/src/testcase/exceptions/
    U   php/phpruntests/trunk/src/texts/help.txt

Modified: php/phpruntests/trunk/src/configuration/rtCommandLineOptions.php
--- php/phpruntests/trunk/src/configuration/rtCommandLineOptions.php	2009-09-03 15:55:39 UTC (rev 287996)
+++ php/phpruntests/trunk/src/configuration/rtCommandLineOptions.php	2009-09-03 18:15:48 UTC (rev 287997)
@@ -19,62 +19,46 @@
      * @var array
     protected $shortOptions = array(
-        'n',
-        'm',
-        'q',
-        'x',
+        'n', // pass -n option to the php binary
+        'm', // memory-check (valgrind)
+        'q', // quiet, no user interaction
         'v', // verbose-mode level 1
-        'h',
+        'h', // help

      * @var array
     protected $shortOptionsWithArgs = array(
-        'l',
-        'r',
-        'w',
-        'a',
-        'c',
-        'd',
-        'p',
-        's',  // save - defines the filename to store the results
-        'o',  // output type (list, xml, csv...)
-    	'z',  // parallel - run out of obvious letters
+        'c', // look for php.ini
+        'd', // pass option to the php binary
+        'p', // specify php executable
+        's', // save - defines the filename to store the results
+        'o', // output type (list, xml, csv...)
+    	'z', // parallel - run out of obvious letters

      * @var array
     protected $longOptions = array(
-        'vv',	// verbose-mode level 2
-    	'vvv',	// verbose-mode level 3
-        'help',
-        'keep-all',
-        'keep-php',
-        'keep-skip',
-        'keep-clean',
-        'keep-out',
-        'keep-exp',
-        'show-all',
-        'show-php',
-        'show-skip',
-        'show-clean',
-        'show-exp',
-        'show-diff',
-        'show-out',
-        'no-clean',
+        'vv',	      // verbose-mode level 2
+    	'vvv',	      // verbose-mode level 3
+        'help',	      // help
+        'keep-all',   // keep all files
+        'keep-php',   // keep only php files
+        'keep-skip',  // keep only skip files
+        'keep-clean', // keep only clean files
+        'keep-out',   // keep only out files
+        'keep-exp',   // keep only exp files
+        'no-clean',   // do not execute clean section

      * @var array
     protected $longOptionsWithArgs = array(
-        'html',
-        'temp-source',
-        'temp-target',
-        'set-timeout',
-        'mopts',
+        'mopts',	// memory-options (valgrind)


Deleted: php/phpruntests/trunk/src/configuration/unix/rtUnixSettingList.php
--- php/phpruntests/trunk/src/configuration/unix/rtUnixSettingList.php	2009-09-03 15:55:39 UTC (rev 287996)
+++ php/phpruntests/trunk/src/configuration/unix/rtUnixSettingList.php	2009-09-03 18:15:48 UTC (rev 287997)
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- * rtUnixSettingList
- *
- * List of settings specific to Unix
- *
- * @category   Testing
- * @package    RUNTESTS
- * @author     Zoe Slattery <z...@php.net>
- * @author     Stefan Priebsch <sprieb...@php.net>
- * @copyright  2009 The PHP Group
- * @license    http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt  PHP License 3.01
- * @link       http://qa.php.net/
- *
- */
-class rtUnixSettingList extends rtSettingList
-    /**
-     * Adapt the list of settings for things that only need to be set on Unix
-     *
-     */
-    public function adaptList()
-    {
-    }

Deleted: php/phpruntests/trunk/src/configuration/windows/rtWinSettingList.php
--- php/phpruntests/trunk/src/configuration/windows/rtWinSettingList.php	2009-09-03 15:55:39 UTC (rev 287996)
+++ php/phpruntests/trunk/src/configuration/windows/rtWinSettingList.php	2009-09-03 18:15:48 UTC (rev 287997)
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- * rtWinSettingList
- *
- * Windows specific settings
- *
- * @category   Testing
- * @package    RUNTESTS
- * @author     Zoe Slattery <z...@php.net>
- * @author     Stefan Priebsch <sprieb...@php.net>
- * @copyright  2009 The PHP Group
- * @license    http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt  PHP License 3.01
- * @link       http://qa.php.net/
- *
- */
-class rtWinSettingList extends rtSettingList
-    /**
-     * Adapt the list to include things that only need to be set on Windows
-     *
-     */
-    public function adaptList()
-    {
-    }

Modified: php/phpruntests/trunk/src/rtClassMap.php
--- php/phpruntests/trunk/src/rtClassMap.php	2009-09-03 15:55:39 UTC (rev 287996)
+++ php/phpruntests/trunk/src/rtClassMap.php	2009-09-03 18:15:48 UTC (rev 287997)
@@ -7,11 +7,6 @@
  * To re-generate this file, run the script BuildClassMap.php.
 $rtClassMap = array(
-    'rtEnvironmentException'                   => 'configuration/exceptions/rtEnvironmentException.php',
-    'rtException'                              => 'configuration/exceptions/rtException.php',
-    'rtMissingArgumentException'               => 'configuration/exceptions/rtMissingArgumentException.php',
-    'rtUnknownIniSettingException'             => 'configuration/exceptions/rtUnknownIniSettingException.php',
-    'rtUnknownOptionException'                 => 'configuration/exceptions/rtUnknownOptionException.php',
     'rtIfParallelHasPcntl'                     => 'configuration/preconditions/rtIfParallelHasPcntl.php',
     'rtIsExecutableSet'                        => 'configuration/preconditions/rtIsExecutableSet.php',
     'rtIsPcreLoaded'                           => 'configuration/preconditions/rtIsPcreLoaded.php',
@@ -59,8 +54,6 @@
     'rtTaskSchedulerFile'                      => 'taskScheduler/rtTaskSchedulerFile.php',
     'rtTaskSchedulerMsgQ'                      => 'taskScheduler/rtTaskSchedulerMsgQ.php',
     'rtTaskTestGroup'                          => 'taskScheduler/rtTaskTestGroup.php',
-    'rtCodeRunnerException'                    => 'testcase/exceptions/rtCodeRunnerException.php',
-    'rtPhpRunnerException'                     => 'testcase/exceptions/rtPhpRunnerException.php',
     'rtTestOutputWriterCSV'                    => 'testcase/output/rtTestOutputWriterCSV.php',
     'rtTestOutputWriterHTML'                   => 'testcase/output/rtTestOutputWriterHTML.php',
     'rtTestOutputWriterList'                   => 'testcase/output/rtTestOutputWriterList.php',

Modified: php/phpruntests/trunk/src/texts/help.txt
--- php/phpruntests/trunk/src/texts/help.txt	2009-09-03 15:55:39 UTC (rev 287996)
+++ php/phpruntests/trunk/src/texts/help.txt	2009-09-03 18:15:48 UTC (rev 287997)
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
     php run-tests.php [options] [files] [directories]

@@ -2,15 +3,44 @@
-    -p <php>    Specify PHP executable to run.

-    -o <list|csv|xml>        Output format
+    -h
+    --help       This Help.
+    -p <php>     Specify PHP executable to run.

-    -z <nproc>   Run in parallel. Only if pcntl enabled.
+    -d foo=bar   Pass -d option to the php binary (Define INI entry foo
+                 with value 'bar').

-    --help
-    -h          This Help.
+    -n           Pass -n option to the php binary (Do not use a php.ini).

+    -c <file>    Look for php.ini in directory <file> or use <file> as ini.
+    -z <nproc>   Run in parallel, forks <nproc> processes.
+                 Only if pcntl enabled.
+    -q           Quiet, no user interaction
+    -o <list|csv|xml>    Output format (default=list)
+    -s <file>    Write output to <file>
+    -v          verbose-mode level 1
+                basic information, test-name and status
+    -vv         verbose-mode level 2
+                basic information plus extended information about
+                not passed tests
+    -vvv        verbose-mode level 3
+                all available information about every test
-                Do not delete 'all' files, 'php' test file, 'skip' or 'clean'
-                file.
+                 Do not delete 'all' files, 'php' test file, 'skip' or 'clean'
+                 file.
+    --no-clean   Do not execute clean section if any.
+    -m           Test for memory leaks with Valgrind
+    --mopts      Memory-options (Valgrind)

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