On Tue, 23 Jan 2001 17:13:24 -0800, Bryan wrote:
>Hey all...
>I have a site where people have to pay for the pictures. He is a professional
>photographer and does not want
>people stealing his work. When they download and image, they pay for it. The
>problem with that is, if
>I have images named 001.jpg, 002.jpg, people can type that into the URL and get the
>other image without
>paying for it. Is there a way to rename a file once clicked on to download to
>eliminate this from happening?
>So, the user clicks on the image, called from the database, have it renamed, and then
>delete it from the database,
>so they never see the real filename...
>I have thought of other ways to do this, but I was hoping there would be an easier
>way, such as this, to do it.
>Thanks for the help!
>Bryan Fitch
One out of several ways to do it
Store pictures in a database:
You could have a purchased_pictures table that links user_id to specific pictures.
Then, make a 'pictures you've purchased page' that only grabs pictures from
pictures_table linked to that users id.
Picture names won't matter anymore :)
(note the section in that artice that discusses images over 1meg in size)
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