I am trying to update a MySQL database using a PHP script embeded in a WML 
page. Here is my code:
The following is register2.php:
         > <template>
         > <do type='prev' label='Back'>
         > <prev/>
         > </do>
         > <do type='accept' label='Accept'>
         > <go href="#card2"/>
         > </do>
         > </template>
         > <card id="register2" title="Register2">
         > <p>
         > First Name: <input name="first" size="15"/><br/>
         > Last Name: <input name="last" size="15"/><br/>
         > Address: <input name="address" size="15"/><br/>
         > Position: <input name="position" size="15"/><br/>
         > </p>
         > </card>
         > <card id="card2" title="Registered">
         > <p>
         > <?php
         > $db = mysql_connect("localhost", "root");
         > mysql_select_db("mydb",$db);
         > $sql = "INSERT INTO employees (first,last,address,position)
         > VALUES ('$(first)','$(last)','$(address)','$(position)')";
         > $result = mysql_db_query ("mydb", $sql);
         > echo "$sql";
         > ?>
         > </p>
         > </card>
         > </wml>
                Then I run register (to see if the database has been updated)!
         > The following is register.php:
         > </wml>
         > <?php
         > // send wml headers
         > header("Content-type: text/vnd.wap.wml");
         > echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>";
         > echo "<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC \"-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN\""
         > . " \"http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/wml_1.1.xml\">";
         > ?>
         > <wml>
         > <template>
         > <do type='prev' label='Back'>
         > <prev/>
         > </do>
         > </template>
         > <card id="register" title="Register">
         > <p>
         > <?php
         > $db = mysql_connect("localhost", "root");
         > mysql_select_db("mydb",$db);
         > $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM employees",$db);
         > printf("First Name: %s\n<br/>", mysql_result($result,0,"first"));
         > printf("Last Name: %s\n<br/>", mysql_result($result,0,"last"));
         > printf("Address: %s\n<br/>", mysql_result($result,0,"address"));
         > printf("Position: %s\n<br/>", mysql_result($result,0,"position"));
         > </p>
         > </card>
         > </wml>

In the the following line:
printf("First Name: %s\n<br/>", mysql_result($result,0,"first"));
the 0 is the row we want to view. Since I created an empty database this value 
is initially 0. If i run register2.php a second time I have to increment this 
0 to 1 before running register.php and so on.
You will see in register2.php that i have echied out $sql and it has the 
correct value for exammple:
INSERT INTO employees (first,last,address,position) VALUES 
but when I look at the database it has:
First Name:
Last Name:
instead of
First Name: Kevin
Last Name: Connolly
Address: Somewhere
Position: Manager
The reason I have
INSERT INTO employees (first,last,address,position) VALUES 
is because in WML variables are stored as $(first) and not just $first like in 
Somewhere between 
$sql = "INSERT INTO employees (first,last,address,position)
         > VALUES ('$(first)','$(last)','$(address)','$(position)')";

         > $result = mysql_db_query ("mydb", $sql);
it seemes to loose the values of all my variables!!
I would appreciate any help anyone can be since I have been working in this 
for 2 days solid now and haven't managed to fix it (though i have managed to 
recreate it in many different ways!!)

Thank you,


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