Hi Steve,
I can successfully connect to Oracle using SQL Plus. In addition, when I
call phpinfo() all the variables are set properly and OCI is enabled...

I also changed ORACLE_HOME=D:\PROGRA~1\ORAWIN95 to have a full path name
(program files) but the problem still exists...

----- Original Message -----
From: Steve Farmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Mark Farver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Jorge Santos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2001 10:36 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] PHP4/Apache on Win95 to remote Oracle

> Hi Guys,
> Not sure what your problem is since i haven't run apache on WIN32....
> but tnsping only tells you that the listeners is running, not that
> you can connect to the database...
> Use sql*plus to connect and then you can be sure your Oracle client
> is installed and configured correctly.
> If you have all you environment variables set it should work OK..
> BTW i'm not sure if  putenv("ORACLE_HOME=D:\PROGRA~1\ORAWIN95");  is
> ok, i think you should put the full path name in without any ~
> or try installing oracle directly on the C: drive so you get a path
> with no spaces in it
> Otherwise it must be something to do with the way php has been compiled
> if you do a phpinfo()  do all the environment variables look OK and
> is OCI8 support complied ?
> I have connected remotely from linux/apahe to a variety of oracle
> DB's on a variety of remote platforms
> Steve Farmer
> At 4:39 PM -0600 8/2/01, Mark Farver wrote:
> >  > Please help. I'm going maaddd trying to figure this out. I've pretty
> >>  read all of the online docs and spend countless hours reading through
> >>  archives..
> >>
> >>  I'm running PHP4 and Apache on my Win95 computer.
> >>  I'm trying to connect to a remote Oracle database.
> >
> >I had the same problem last week.  Every suggestion I got was about
> >environment variables.   However since a tnsping from within PHP
> >(using passthru) works fine I know better.  From examining the sqlnet
> >files and watching the resource allocations I came to the conclusion that
> >PHP is hardcoded to connect only to a database located on the same
> >machine (using BEQLOCAL).  Oracle never even bothers to read the
> >tnsnames.ora file when its called from PHP.  This seems to be only a
> >problem in Windows and possibly only with the Oracle8 drivers.
> >
> >My postings to the dev lists went unanswered but at the time I was unsure
> >if it was a Windows only problem.  It might be worth reposting this info
> >to the PHP-WIN list.
> >
> >My boss was very unhappy when I told him my code had to run on a Unix
> >box.. I basically sold him on PHP due to is cross-paltform nature.
> >
> >ODBC might work instead, although it never did for me. Use ADODB or
> >another abstraction layer.. this way you can switch back and forth
> >
> >Let me know if you figure anything else out.
> >
> >Mark Farver
> >
> >On Thu, 8 Feb 2001, Jorge Santos wrote:
> >
> >>  Hi all,
> >>
> >>
> >>  I'm getting a "Warning: _oci_open_server: ORA-12203: TNS:unable to
> >>connect to destination ..." error message. Yet I know the
> >>environment is ok because I can tnsping the database name and I can
> >>connect using SQL Plus to the database.
> >>
> >>  Here's the php code:
> >>
> >>  <?php
> >>   putenv("ORACLE_SID=MDC6");
> >  >  putenv("ORACLE_HOME=D:\PROGRA~1\ORAWIN95");
> >>   putenv("TNS_ADMIN=D:\PROGRA~1\ORAWIN95\NET80\ADMIN");
> >>
> >>=TCP)(HOST = njnwkora15.db.pseg.com)(PORT = 1527)))  (CONNECT_DATA
> >>= (SID =MDC6) ) )";
> >>
> >>   $connect=OCIPLogon("MDC","MDC",$tns) or die("It's not possible to
> >>connect");
> >>
> >>   $sql = "select * from district";
> >>
> >>   $result =OCIParse($connect,$sql);
> >>   OCIExecute($result) or die("It's not possible to query");
> >>
> >>   echo("<TABLE>");
> >>   while(OCIFetch($result)) {
> >>       $CC = OCIResult($result,1);
> >>       $CCNome = OCIResult($result,2);
> >>       echo('<TR><TD>' . $CC . '</TD><TD>' . $CCNome . '</TD></TR>');
> >>   }
> >>   echo("</TABLE>");
> >>  ?>
> >>
> >>  I shouldn't need to declase $tns above but I've tried with and
> >>without it. I'm also including the ORACLE_SID, ORACLE_HOME and
> >>TNS_ADMIN variables in the autoexec.bat so that they are declared
> >>as of machine bootup. I also added them to the httpd.conf for
> >>Apache configuration like this:
> >>
> >>  SetEnv ORACLE_SID MDC6
> >>
> >>
> >>  Please help.... Before I switch to ASP...
> >>  Later,
> >>  Jorge
> >>
> >
> >--
> >"The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious enroachment by mean of
> >zeal, well-meaning but without understanding."
> >-- Justice Louis O. Brandeis, Olmstead vs. United States
> >
> >
> >--
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