I've searched the manual and read many examples, but I have to ask here for
the best way to program for a number of possibilities. I've got my site
working the hard way, but I'll bet there's a smarter way of doing the

Visitors to my site can search my database by lastname and/or firstname
and/or company. Is there a succinct way to checking for all possible
combinations? I alreay have NONE SELECTED covered, but the rest of the
possibilities are spotty. Too many IF statements, youknowwhaddimeanverne?

SO... the user might just enter the last name, or just the first name, or
just the first and last, or just the company or just the last name and the
company.. and, oh well, you get the idea. Am I stuck with an awful lot of IF
statements or is there a smarter way of handling this? The site is
CameraCrews.com. Select "-by Name" to see the input page.

Thanks for any help,
Don Smith

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