Yeah, i am aware of the 32 byte character string.  As a matter of fact, I
md5 the password on initial
sign-up.  Then just compare it to the regular password.  As for this case, I
am trying to
update the password that is already md5 'd in the database.  The problem is,
I am creating a
random string (with letters and numbers) and making it 10 characters long.
I think md5
has a problem with this, for some reason....

Probably just me though.  Thanks for the advice.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Joe Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 12:40 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] md5

> You are aware that md5() generates a 32 byte character string?
> Working on the 10 digit password request, have you alotted enough space in
> your database columns to cater to a 32 byte string (64 for multibyte)?
> BTW: md5 has eaten everything I've thrown at it ;-)
> ""bryan"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> 005801c0a0f1$c5c3cd40$272478cc@bryan">news:005801c0a0f1$c5c3cd40$272478cc@bryan...
> I need some advice on this....
> I am creating a random password through a function.
> This creates a random password and updates it in the database.
> The sql query works if I make it :
> $sql = "UPDATE members SET password='$password', verify='$verify' WHERE
> username='$username' ";
> but if I make the code (as below) with the md5, it does not.
> I must be doing something wrong, or it does not like to md5 random things
> or something.  Any Advice?
>   for ( $a=0; $a<1; $a++)  {
>   $password = newpwd( 10 );
>   $verify = $password;
>   $dbcnx = mysql_connect('localhost', 'bryan', 'fitch');
>   mysql_select_db( "playtime" );
>   $sql = "UPDATE members SET password=' ".md5($password)." ', verify='
> ".md5($verify)" ' WHERE username='$username' ";

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