
I've been working on some of the bugs for ODBC in the bugs db, mainly
those dealing with Windows and ODBC. 

One of the common bugs seems to be using odbc_prepare() and
odbc_execute() in conjuction with each other.  I was hoping someone
might be able to do an ODBC test case for me, on something other than
Microsoft Access (which is all I have MS wise).  

Two tables should be created, odbcetest1 and odbctest2.  Any writes in
this script to odbctest1 should fail, but I believe odbctest2 should
work fine.  If anyone can send me some results confirming or denying my
theory, they would be appriciated.  :)


// this is just a quick and dirty proof of concept script

// please setup this script to connect to your database
$conn = odbc_connect("phptest","","");
if (!$conn)
        print "Error in connecting<BR>\n";

odbc_exec($conn,"DROP TABLE odbctest1"); 
odbc_exec($conn,"CREATE TABLE odbctest1 (id INT, firstname CHAR(24),
lastname CHAR(24))");    
odbc_exec($conn,"DROP TABLE odbctest2"); 
odbc_exec($conn,"CREATE TABLE odbctest2 (id CHAR(2), firstname CHAR(24),
lastname CHAR(24))");    
odbc_exec($conn,"INSERT INTO odbctest1 (id,firstname,lastname) VALUES
odbc_exec($conn,"INSERT INTO odbctest2 (id,firstname,lastname) VALUES

$stmt1 = odbc_prepare($conn,"INSERT INTO odbctest1
(id,firstname,lastname) VALUES (?,?,?)");
if ($stmt1) {
        print "Trying execute stat1<br>";
        $stmt1 = odbc_execute($stmt1,array(1,"This","Fails"));

$stmt2 = odbc_prepare($conn,"INSERT INTO odbctest2
(id,firstname,lastname) VALUES (?,?,?)");
if ($stmt2) {
        print "Trying execute stat2<br>";
        $stmt1 = odbc_execute($stmt1,array("1","This","Works"));

Dan Kalowsky                  "Tonight I think I'll walk alone, 
Worldgate Communications       I'll find my soul as I go home."
Software Engineer - TICS Group          - Temptation

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